Rake + eval

I have a rake task that contains an eval call.

namespace :db do
namespace :load do
desc ‘Loads factories into db’
task :factories => :environment do
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( ENV[ ‘RAILS_ENV’ ] )
FACTORIES.each do |f|
puts “Loading factory: #{ f }”
data = IO.read( “#{ RAILS_ROOT }/test/factories/#{ f }.rb” )
eval data

My problem is the eval executes when loading script/console or
executing rake -T, it fires even though I’m not calling it.

What’s a better way?

Greg D.

I’m almost certain that neither of these issues is causing the problem
you’re seeing, but who knows…

  • why are you calling establish_connection directly? The :environment
    task should be doing it for you…

  • rather than reading and eval’ing, why not just use load()?

–Matt J.

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Matt J. [email protected] wrote:

I’m almost certain that neither of these issues is causing the problem
you’re seeing, but who knows…

  • why are you calling establish_connection directly? The :environment
    task should be doing it for you…

  • rather than reading and eval’ing, why not just use load()?

Thanks. Following your suggestions I now have:

namespace :db do
namespace :load do
desc ‘Loads factories into db’
task :factories => :environment do
FACTORIES.each do |f|
load( “#{ RAILS_ROOT }/test/factories/#{ f }.rb” )

Works fine but my problem still exists. When I do rake -T I see in
the logs my code from test/factories/* is being ran, data is being

Something else I noticed… if I put a debugger call inside the task
block it drops me to a prompt twice, not just once as expected.

So at this point I’ve tried eval, load, and system, and all are being
executed without the rake task being called.


Greg D.

I have to admit I’m pretty stumped. If you make another rake task,
does it get loaded as well?
Maybe a dummy task like:

desc “Does nothing”
task :dummy_task => :environment do
puts “Blargh!”

If that gets run, there’s something really weird going on with your
Rake. If not, then something about the db:load task is weird…

–Matt J.