How to set up a variable after tb.Run()

Hi All,

it would be nice to have a possibility in grc to set up a variable which
comes to the end.

Further on i have some wishes to grc:
+it would be nice to send strings to a filesink for example with pickle.
+to set up the sequence of the variables

Also, there is a bug:
i made a variable_0:
self.variable_0 = variable_0 = file(’…/…/…/peakdaten.dat’,‘a’)
self.variable_1 = variable_1 = cPickle.dump([[time.time()],
and made a second variable_2 to close the file, but it doesn’t seems to
self.variable_2 = variable_2 = variable_0.close()

I still want to add some infos after my program has finished.

Any ideas ?

regards Markus

I think that you need to make a custom block wrapper to encapsulate
whatever your are trying to do into a block. You can put all kinds of
arbitrary code into the tag. Have fun!