Ruby 1.9.1 ming with mysql on windows successful


Thanks to a lot of people I managed to get Ruby 1.9.1 installed with
rails and mysql 5.0 locally on my Windows Vista machine. I’m also able
to pull remote queries on mysql 5.1 as well. Tested both methods and am
working fine…

Here are my specs:

Windows Vista Ultimate (32-bit)
Ruby 1.9.1p129 [i386-mingw32]
Rails 2.3.2
Gem 1.3.3
MySql 5.0.82
MySql 2.8.1(binary) using mswin32|mingw

I used the following instructions from Roger P.:

Looks like the only way I know of is (assuming ruby 1.9 with devkit)

  1. download “mysql 5.0.x windows without installer”
  2. unzip, put it in c:\mysql
  3. download mysql 2.8.1 binary from tmtm
  4. edit extconf so that anywhere it says mswin32 it now says
    4a) make sure that mysql’s bin are not in your path
  5. run ruby extconf.rb – --with-mysql-include=c:/mysql/include
  6. run make, then run make install
  7. copy libmysql.dll to your path
  8. run ruby -e ‘require “mysql”’

The question I have now is if I backup my current ruby folder and
installed it later on, would it keep all the settings I’ve currently
applied? And, could I give the ruby compilation to someone else (if
they needed it to work on windows)?


The question I have now is if I backup my current ruby folder and
installed it later on, would it keep all the settings I’ve currently
applied? And, could I give the ruby compilation to someone else (if
they needed it to work on windows)?

Yeah I suppose you could zip up your whole ruby folder and give it to
someone–it should have all your gems and such in it. Saving away
folders should be ok.