Combine if and do in a single line?

Is there a way to combine if and do into a single line?

items.each do |item| if current_user.admin?
#do stuff


items.each { |item| item.stuff? } if current_user.admin?

Mario Gr wrote:

Is there a way to combine if and do into a single line?

items.each do |item| if current_user.admin?
#do stuff


Freddy A. wrote:

items.each { |item| item.stuff? } if current_user.admin?

Which you actually COULD write like this too, but I’m not sure if it
would be considered easily readable:

items.each do |item|
#do stuff
end if current_user.admin?

The {| | } and the ‘do’ syntaxes are interchangeable in all ways. More
of a Ruby question than a Rails one.

Jonathan R. wrote:

The {| | } and the ‘do’ syntaxes are interchangeable in all ways.

Almost. I’ve run across a couple of cases where one works and the other
doesn’t – one creates a Proc and the other doesn’t, or something like
that. But that’s vanishingly rare, and 99 times out of 100, you will
not go wrong to treat them as interchangeable.

of a Ruby question than a Rails one.



Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

Frederick C. wrote:

{} binds more tightly than do…end - in some cases this can lead to
your block being passed to the ‘wrong’ method:

Interesting, makes sense.

Personally, that’s one reason I don’t like making method calls without
parens, or doing anything else that relies on non-obvious
order-of-evaluation-binding just to save a couple of parens.

foo( bar {} )
foo( bar do
end )

will both do the same thing. Although the latter is kind of weird style,
if I need a multi-line block for bar, I’d personally just use a
temporary var instead.

result = bar do

But everyone’s got their own style, I guess. Of course you COULD use
{||} with multi-lines too, but it would also be stylistically weird in
my opinion in that case.

foo bar {|a|
more stuff

That’s just weird. And if I DID it, I’d still want to put parens in
around foo’s argument, which would make it even weirder looking.


On May 30, 7:03 pm, Marnen Laibow-Koser <rails-mailing-l…@andreas-> wrote:

Jonathan R. wrote:


The {| | } and the ‘do’ syntaxes are interchangeable in all ways.

Almost. I’ve run across a couple of cases where one works and the other
doesn’t – one creates a Proc and the other doesn’t, or something like

{} binds more tightly than do…end - in some cases this can lead to
your block being passed to the ‘wrong’ method:

def foo(x)
puts “foo #{block_given?}”

def bar
puts “bar #{block_given?}”

running foo bar {} outputs

bar true
foo false

but running

foo bar do


boo false
foo true
