W00t! Party for Gregory!

On May 20, 2009, Gregory B. wrote:

On Wed, May 20, 2009, Juan Z. [email protected] wrote:

So you have better designs compared to those who seek further conciseness in
a language. If only those folks of poor ability could design so well as

That’s right. I’m pretty awesome. Maybe RubyTalk can throw a party
in honor of me!

I say we do it. We should all celebrate Greg’s awesomeness. Wherever
are, take 5 minutes to party wildly and think of Greg.



Don’t judge those who choose to sin differently than you do

On May 21, 2009, at 10:42 AM, pat eyler wrote:

in honor of me!

I say we do it. We should all celebrate Greg’s awesomeness.
Wherever you are, take 5 minutes to party wildly and think of Greg.

I did, but the cops came and arrested me. Please come bail me out. :wink:

James Edward G. II

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 11:42 AM, pat eyler [email protected] wrote:

I say we do it. We should all celebrate Greg’s awesomeness. Wherever you
are, take 5 minutes to party wildly and think of Greg.

I just danced around my office in honor of Greg wearing nothing but a
party hat and a smile, but that’s just how I roll.


On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 9:47 AM, James G. [email protected]

That’s right. I’m pretty awesome. Maybe RubyTalk can throw a party
in honor of me!

I say we do it. We should all celebrate Greg’s awesomeness. Wherever you
are, take 5 minutes to party wildly and think of Greg.

I did, but the cops came and arrested me. Please come bail me out. :wink:

I hope this wasn’t your one phone call, 'cuz I’m probably not going to
able to make it out there for a while. ;^)

James Edward G. II


Don’t judge those who choose to sin differently than you do

On May 21, 2009, at 11:50 AM, Jamey C. wrote:

I just danced around my office in honor of Greg wearing nothing but a
party hat and a smile, but that’s just how I roll.


My dance was space delimited and only took a few seconds. Perhaps
that was too concise. Would a better designed dance with larger
vertical leaps have been more appropriate?

Juan Z. wrote:

My dance was space delimited and only took a few seconds. Perhaps that
was too concise. Would a better designed dance with larger vertical
leaps have been more appropriate?

I refactored my dance into short but reusable steps :wink:

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 1:07 PM, Juan Z. [email protected]

My dance was space delimited and only took a few seconds. Perhaps that was
too concise. Would a better designed dance with larger vertical leaps have
been more appropriate?

Ahahaha, no that is perfect. Thanks for the laugh :slight_smile:


On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 9:42 AM, pat eyler [email protected] wrote:

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Tim P. [email protected] wrote:

  ‘Dance, Greg, Dance!!’,
  start = Time.now
300.times {

Hmmm … I just created an infinitely spawning script! Need an exit!
after the “Party.new.party(1)” line; otherwise each forked child will
drop through back into the 300.times loop and start the process all
over again.

My efforts at humor are wrought with bugs. More coffee is needed.


On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 5:47 PM, James G. [email protected]

That’s right. I’m pretty awesome. Maybe RubyTalk can throw a party
in honor of me!

I say we do it. We should all celebrate Greg’s awesomeness. Wherever you
are, take 5 minutes to party wildly and think of Greg.

I did, but the cops came and arrested me. Please come bail me out. :wink:
No way we do not need excellent coders and nice guys like you!!!
Sorry James.

Toutes les grandes personnes ont d’abord été des enfants, mais peu
d’entre elles s’en souviennent.

All adults have been children first, but not many remember.

[Antoine de Saint-Exupéry]

On 21.05.2009 21:18, Tim P. wrote:

I say we do it. We should all celebrate Greg’s awesomeness. Wherever you
‘–< Chunky Bacon >–’
after the “Party.new.party(1)” line; otherwise each forked child will
drop through back into the 300.times loop and start the process all
over again.

My efforts at humor are wrought with bugs. More coffee is needed.

And you are using class variables! Bad boy!

robert - still dancing

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 9:42 AM, pat eyler [email protected] wrote:

I say we do it. Â We should all celebrate Greg’s awesomeness. Â Wherever you
are, take 5 minutes to party wildly and think of Greg.

âž™ cat party.rb

class Party
@@styles = [
‘Party, Greg, Party!!’,
‘Dance, Greg, Dance!!’,
‘Wild Dancing Greg Party!’,
‘–< Chunky Bacon >–’

def for_greg
puts @@styles.at(rand(@@styles.length))

def party( time )
start = Time.now
Thread.new {
loop {
break if Time.now-start >= time

300.times {
unless fork


puts %q(That’s right. I’m pretty awesome. Maybe RubyTalk can throw a
party in honor of me!)