Net::FTP list empty

Ruby 1.8.6. Having trouble getting a file list from an FTP server.

AFAICT the connection itself is valid (connections via GUI apps all work
just fine). Yet every attempt to get a file listing comes up empty or

#<Net::FTP:0x5ae678 @passive=true,
@last_response=“250 CWD command successful.\n”,
@welcome=“230- {blah blah blah} \n”,

I have a method like this (with a couple debug lines):

def connect(host=’’,user=’’,password=’’,origin=’’)
connection =
connection.passive = true
connection.login(user, password)

p connection
p connection.list # .list(’*’), .nlst, .dir() all come up empty

return connection

I’m not even sure how to go about debugging this to see why the file
list would be empty.

Any clues appreciated…

– gw

Greg W. wrote:

Ruby 1.8.6. Having trouble getting a file list from an FTP server.

Ugh. Nevermind. Had one more thought after I whacked send, and that was

– gw