Does setting a variable only work once?

neither of these work. it only takes the first $port, the second one is

            set $port 11019;
            root /home/foo/web/;
            include /etc/nginx/expires.conf;
            include /etc/nginx/confs/phpmyadmin.conf;
            location /sites {
                    set $port 11003;
                    include /etc/nginx/confs/sites.conf;

set $port 11019;
root /home/foo/web/;
include /etc/nginx/expires.conf;
include /etc/nginx/confs/phpmyadmin.conf;
set $port 11003;
include /etc/nginx/confs/sites.conf;

On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 12:07:10PM -0700, Michael S. wrote:

set $port 11019;
root /home/foo/web/;
include /etc/nginx/expires.conf;
include /etc/nginx/confs/phpmyadmin.conf;
set $port 11003;
include /etc/nginx/confs/sites.conf;

It should work. Could you send me debug log ?

sorry, i can’t reproduce this at the moment.

a co-worker had reported it, now i need to see if it happens again.

2009/5/12 Igor S. [email protected]:

what don’t you understand?

we don’t understand you, ENGLISH only please.

2009/5/12 “坏人” [email protected]:

不知道sites.confçš„å†…å®¹ã€‚ä¸è¿‡çœ‹èµ·æ¥ä½ æ˜¯æƒ³åŠ¨æ€è®¾ç½®ç›‘å¬ç«¯å£ï¼Œè¿™æ˜¯ä¸è¡Œçš„ï¼Œé‡è®¾ç›‘å¬ç«¯å£å¿…é¡»é‡å¯æœåŠ¡

Posted at Nginx Forum:

translate :

chinese: 不知道sites.confçš„å†…å®¹ã€‚ä¸è¿‡çœ‹èµ·æ¥ä½ æ˜¯æƒ³åŠ¨æ€è®¾ç½®ç›‘å¬ç«¯å£ï¼Œè¿™æ˜¯ä¸è¡Œçš„ï¼Œé‡è®¾ç›‘å¬ç«¯å£å¿…é¡»é‡å¯æœåŠ¡
english: i don’t know the contents of sites.conf , It looks like you are
set the service port and reload nginx,
That won’t take effect except restart service

I’d like to correct something you said: reload nginx service can
effective immediately



发件人: Michael S.
发送时间: 2009-05-13 04:31:43
收件人: nginx
主题: Re: Does setting a variable only work once?

what don’t you understand?
we don’t understand you, ENGLISH only please.
2009/5/12 “坏人” [email protected]:

omg, this mail-list is offering translation nowadays, awesome!

2009/5/13 Chancey [email protected]

å…„å¼Ÿä½ ä¼¼ä¹Žå¯¹NGINXè›®ç†Ÿæ‚‰çš„ï¼Œå¯ä»¥å‘Šè¯‰æˆ‘ä½ çš„è”ç³»æ–¹å¼ä¹ˆã€‚

2009/5/13 “坏人” [email protected]

I hope so



发件人: 汪洪伟
发送时间: 2009-05-13 09:31:53
收件人: nginx
主题: Re: Re: Does setting a variable only work once?

omg, this mail-list is offering translation nowadays, awesome!

2009/5/13 Chancey [email protected]

translate :

chinese: 不知道sites.confçš„å†…å®¹ã€‚ä¸è¿‡çœ‹èµ·æ¥ä½ æ˜¯æƒ³åŠ¨æ€è®¾ç½®ç›‘å¬ç«¯å£ï¼Œè¿™æ˜¯ä¸è¡Œçš„ï¼Œé‡è®¾ç›‘å¬ç«¯å£å¿…é¡»é‡å¯æœåŠ¡
english: i don’t know the contents of sites.conf , It looks like you are
set the service port and reload nginx,
That won’t take effect except restart service

I’d like to correct something you said: reload nginx service can
effective immediately



发件人: Michael S.
发送时间: 2009-05-13 04:31:43
收件人: nginx
主题: Re: Does setting a variable only work once?
what don’t you understand?
we don’t understand you, ENGLISH only please.
2009/5/12 “坏人” [email protected]: