Converting UTF-8 to entities like 剛

I was trying to convert UTF-8 content into a series of entities like
剛 so that whatever the page encoding is, the characters would

so I used something like this:
t = ‘’
s = Iconv.conv(“UTF-32”, “UTF-8”, some_utf8_string)

s.scan(/(.)(.)(.)(.)/) do |b1, b2, b3, b4|
t += ("&#x" + “%02X” % b3.ord) + ("%02X" % b4.ord) + “;”
rescue => details
t = "exception " + details

<%= t %>

but some characters get converted, and some don’t. Is it true that
(.)(.)(.)(.) will not necessarily match 4 bytes at a time?

At first, I was going to use

s = Iconv.conv(“UTF-16”, “UTF-8”, some_utf8_string)

but then i found that utf-16 is also variable length… so I used UTF-32
instead which is fixed length. The UTF-8 string I have is just the
Basic Plane… so should be all in the 0x0000 to 0xFFFF range in

by the way, this works:

but i am sure there are more elegant solutions.

t = ‘’
s = Iconv.conv(“UTF-32”, “UTF-8”, some_utf8_string)

(s.length / 4).times do |i|
b3 = s[i*4 + 2]
b4 = s[i*4 + 3]
t += ("&#x" + “%02X” % b3) + ("%02X" % b4) + “;”
rescue => details
t = "exception " + details

<%= t %>