How to disable auto-increment in primary key

How can i disable the auto-increment for a primary key data type. The
purpose of using primary_key data type is using different name for
primary key. But we still want to use all the properties of “id”
except for auto increment part.

I had my migration as following
def self.up
create_table :pk2s , :id=> false do |t|
t.primary_key :uid
t.string :name



========== Model

class Pk2 < ActiveRecord::Base
set_primary_key “uid”


Vipin wrote:

How can i disable the auto-increment for a primary key data type. The
purpose of using primary_key data type is using different name for
primary key. But we still want to use all the properties of “id”
except for auto increment part.

Given that it looks to me like you want to implement uuid fields in your
application maybe this will help: