FTP - Multiple file downloads

I have written ftp code which will download a single file from the
Server using the below code:

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘net/ftp’
require ‘fileutils’

URL = ‘IP address’
username = ‘test’
passwd = “test”
filename = “file1”
directory = ‘/home/test/’
localfile = ‘C:\Documents and Settings\User1\Desktop\file1’

But what i am really looking for is:

  1. Download multiple files from a given directory.
  2. Download files by giving wild characters (eg: *.xls or *.txt)

Please let me know if there is a better way or easier way to achieve
these tasks.


On Apr 14, 4:55 am, Idealone I. [email protected] wrote:

filename = “file1”

  1. Download multiple files from a given directory.
  2. Download files by giving wild characters (eg: *.xls or *.txt)

Please let me know if there is a better way or easier way to achieve
these tasks.

Not all that familiar with the library, but I do recall there is a
list method that accepts wildcards. Try something like this:

files = ftp.list(‘*.xls’)
files.each do |filename|
ftp.getbinaryfile(filename, filename)

– Mark

Mark T. wrote:

On Apr 14, 4:55�am, Idealone I. [email protected] wrote:

filename = “file1”

  1. Download multiple files from a given directory.
  2. Download files by giving wild characters (eg: *.xls or *.txt)

Please let me know if there is a better way or easier way to achieve
these tasks.

Not all that familiar with the library, but I do recall there is a
list method that accepts wildcards. Try something like this:

files = ftp.list(‘*.xls’)
files.each do |filename|
ftp.getbinaryfile(filename, filename)

– Mark

I tried using the above code, i am getting some error:

NetBeans 6.5/ruby2/jruby-1.1.4/lib/ruby/1.8/net/ftp.rb:494:in open': Is a directory - Is a directory (Errno::EISDIR) from C:/Program Files/NetBeans 6.5/ruby2/jruby-1.1.4/lib/ruby/1.8/net/ftp.rb:494:in getbinaryfile’
from C:\user\workspace\qa\Cvis-ruby\lib\ftp_config.rb:25
from C:\user\workspace\qa\Cvis-ruby\lib\ftp_config.rb:24:in
from C:\user\workspace\qa\Cvis-ruby\lib\ftp_config.rb:24

– cheers

What to do when you get an error:

  1. Read the error message. It might have a clue as to what the problem
  2. Scan the backtrace for method names you may have called.
  3. Analyze what situation might have caused the method(s) to throw the

No, The OP was trying to open a directory. This information was right
there in the error message. The next step would be for him to find out
why his listing included directories, and omit them.

That’s why,

files = ftp.list(’*.xls’)
p files

Returns an array of file information