Testing RESTful actions (put/post)

I am trying to test my update method:
put :update, {:id => topics(:one).id, :topics => {:title => ‘Updated
Unique Title’}}, {:user => users(:admin).id, :user_role =>

The above statement works fine and test returns positive result. I
thought doing post for an update should fail:
post :update, {:id => topics(:one).id, :topics => {:title => ‘Updated
Unique Title’}}, {:user => users(:admin).id, :user_role =>

However, this also works. So even after doing RESTful routing post for
update and destroy will work or what?


REST is a suggested architecture style. Rails does not enforce it.

I’m pretty sure that the functional test helpers don’t run through the
router - that’s why you can do ‘post :update’, rather than ‘post “/
some/path/to/update”’ like you would in an integration test.

–Matt J.

On Apr 12, 3:42 pm, Carlos S. [email protected]

Something is wrong - may be my understanding of REST.
Following is the output using curl.
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/topics/update/1

You are being redirected.

Processing TopicsController#update (for at 2009-04-13
18:26:01) [POST]
Session ID: 9dc3bd98a336027e75b2b4836967b497
Parameters: {“action”=>“update”, “id”=>“1”, “controller”=>“topics”}
Anonymous Columns (0.001320) SHOW FIELDS FROM users
Topic Columns (0.001158) SHOW FIELDS FROM topics
Topic Load (0.000609) SELECT * FROM topics WHERE (topics.id =
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT * FROM topics WHERE (topics.id = 1)
SQL (0.000169) BEGIN
SQL (0.000435) SELECT title FROM topics WHERE (topics.title =
‘test’ AND topics.id <> 1)
SQL (0.000157) COMMIT
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/topics/1
Completed in 0.04002 (24 reqs/sec) | DB: 0.00423 (10%) | 302 Found

Following is my routes file.
map.resources :topics do |topics|
topics.resources :items do |items|
items.resources :attachments, :member => {:view_pdf => :get}

Is this okay/expected behavior?
Or am I missing something?

Matt J. wrote:

I’m pretty sure that the functional test helpers don’t run through the
router - that’s why you can do ‘post :update’, rather than ‘post “/
some/path/to/update”’ like you would in an integration test.

–Matt J.

I think RESTful urls like edit_topic_url(id) work using REST. So routing
is coming into the picture.

Matt J. wrote:

I’m pretty sure that the functional test helpers don’t run through the
router - that’s why you can do ‘post :update’, rather than ‘post “/
some/path/to/update”’ like you would in an integration test.

–Matt J.

On Apr 12, 3:42�pm, Carlos S. [email protected]

Matt, I think you are right. Functional test helpers aren’t referring to
routing. :frowning:

Any more thoughts on this?


Carlos S. wrote:

I think RESTful urls like edit_topic_url(id) work using REST. So routing
is coming into the picture.

Matt J. wrote:

I’m pretty sure that the functional test helpers don’t run through the
router - that’s why you can do ‘post :update’, rather than ‘post “/
some/path/to/update”’ like you would in an integration test.

–Matt J.