AR.find :include is adding stuff I don't want

In this code below, ActiveRecord returns data from associations I don’t

class Article < ActiveRecord::Base

has_many :extras
has_many :pages, :order => ‘sortOrder’
has_many :assets

def get_list
return self.find(:all,
:include => :extras,
:conditions => [“publishable=‘Y’”])

Without the :include statement, we get the usual lazy load, and no
associations are loaded, only the attributes of the Article.

However, I want data from the :extras association and not the others.

When I use the code above, I get data from Article (good), Extras
(good), and Assets (bad), and nothing from Pages (curious).

I don’t understand why Assets is being included, and I don’t know how to
keep that data out of the results.

What am I missing? Thx.

– gw

On Apr 8, 5:35 am, Greg W. [email protected]

When I use the code above, I get data from Article (good), Extras
(good), and Assets (bad), and nothing from Pages (curious).

I don’t understand why Assets is being included, and I don’t know how to
keep that data out of the results.

Odd. Maybe you could show the sql it is executing ?


Frederick C. wrote:

On Apr 8, 5:35�am, Greg W. [email protected]

When I use the code above, I get data from Article (good), Extras
(good), and Assets (bad), and nothing from Pages (curious).

I don’t understand why Assets is being included, and I don’t know how to
keep that data out of the results.

Odd. Maybe you could show the sql it is executing ?

Hmm. now I am seeing something different.

With this code (more verbatim this time)…

class Article < ActiveRecord::Base

self.primary_key = ‘rcrd_id’

has_many :extras,
:dependent => :destroy

has_many :pages,
:order => ‘sortOrder’,
:dependent => :destroy

has_many :assets,
:dependent => :destroy

def self.get_list
list = self.find(:all,
:include => [:extras],
:conditions => [
“#{self.table_name}.rcrd_status=‘Y’ AND ready=‘Y’ AND
publishDate <= :today”,
{:today =>} ])

Or with this code…

def self.get_list
list = self.find(:all,
:conditions => [
“#{self.table_name}.rcrd_status=‘Y’ AND ready=‘Y’ AND publishDate
<= :today”,
{:today =>} ])

I now see these same queries in the log…
(and this is restarting Rails after each time I change the code, just to
be sure)

e[4;36;1mArticle Load (1.6ms)e[0m e[0;1mSELECT * FROM articles
WHERE (articles.rcrd_status=‘Y’ AND ready=‘Y’ AND publishDate <=
‘2009-04-08’) e[0m
e[4;35;1mAsset Load (0.8ms)e[0m e[0mSELECT * FROM assets WHERE
(assets.article_id = ‘abc123’) e[0m
e[4;36;1mExtra Load (1.1ms)e[0m e[0;1mSELECT * FROM extras WHERE
(extras.article_id = ‘abc123’) e[0m

I know it was different before, I even showed someone to confirm it.

I don’t see anything odd about the other models, they both have a simple
belongs_to articles statement, and nothing else. Pages has a belongs_to
articles, and a has_many to another model. Maybe that keeps pages from
being loaded?

So, I dunno. But shouldn’t that second finder case (without :include)
not be returning :assets nor :extras? I end up using debug() to output
the results to confirm what is actually being loaded, and I get those
two associations, but no :pages data. Seems weird.

– gw

On Apr 8, 9:52 am, Greg W. [email protected]

Frederick C. wrote:

On Apr 8, 5:35 am, Greg W. [email protected]

So, I dunno. But shouldn’t that second finder case (without :include)
not be returning :assets nor :extras? I end up using debug() to output
the results to confirm what is actually being loaded, and I get those
two associations, but no :pages data. Seems weird.

Random question: are you doing this from the console or is this output
from an app. Are you sure the load is coming from the find and not
from the association been accessed subsequently (eg put a log
statement after the find(…, :include) ? )


On 8 Apr 2009, at 10:44, Greg W. wrote:

remembering after_find.

Egads. So sorry to waste your time Fred. But proving there was no log
statement question pushed me to at least solve the (not so puzzling)
puzzle. Thanks.

D’oh! Happens to all of us :slight_smile:


Frederick C. wrote:

On Apr 8, 9:52�am, Greg W. [email protected]

Frederick C. wrote:

On Apr 8, 5:35 am, Greg W. [email protected]

So, I dunno. But shouldn’t that second finder case (without :include)
not be returning :assets nor :extras? I end up using debug() to output
the results to confirm what is actually being loaded, and I get those
two associations, but no :pages data. Seems weird.

Random question: are you doing this from the console or is this output
from an app. Are you sure the load is coming from the find and not
from the association been accessed subsequently (eg put a log
statement after the find(…, :include) ? )

@#$#! After writing a big long thing to prove there was no other action
taking place, and taking one more wider look before sending it to be
sure I wasn’t making an idiot of myself, I just scrolled down a little
further in the model to re-discover an after_find I wrote which would in
fact touch assets & extras.

I had just so compartmentalized the :include thing in my mind, I wasn’t
remembering after_find.

Egads. So sorry to waste your time Fred. But proving there was no log
statement question pushed me to at least solve the (not so puzzling)
puzzle. Thanks.

– gw