Kill a process by name and PID - needs refinement

#!/usr/bin/ruby -w

kill_pid.rb - kill a process by a given name

Written by [email protected]

This code first asks you the name of the process you want to kill -

respond with the name of the process

It will return the pid - if you you only want the pid comment out

the final line:

ie: #exec killall_pid

def getBinding(str)
return binding
puts " Hello, what PID do you want? "
process = gets.chomp
a = process

puts a

b = “‘ps -C " + a + " -o pid=’”

puts b

D = “IO.popen(” + b + “, ‘r+’) do |pipe|”
str = D + “\n” + “pipe.close_write” + “\n” + “puts” + “\n” +
#put str
def pid
x = D + “\n” + “pipe.close_write” + “\n” + “puts” + “\n” +
kill = "kill -9 "
eval pid

killall -i makes the code interactive

killall_pid = "killall -i " + a
puts killall_pid

kills the process by name - not pid (does not seem to work with all

processes - I think

it would be better written to kill the process by pid instead but I

do not know how to

take the out put of eval pid and use the kill -9 command with the

exec killall_pid

Cleaned up the commenting because of the formatting changes after

#!/usr/bin/ruby -w

kill_pid.rb - kill a process by a given name

Written by [email protected]

This code first asks you the name of the process you want to kill -

respond with the name of the process

It will return the pid - if you you only want the pid comment out

the final line:

ie: #exec killall_pid

def getBinding(str)
return binding
puts " Hello, what PID do you want? "
process = gets.chomp
a = process

puts a

b = “‘ps -C " + a + " -o pid=’”

puts b

D = “IO.popen(” + b + “, ‘r+’) do |pipe|”
str = D + “\n” + “pipe.close_write” + “\n” + “puts” + “\n” +
#puts str
def pid
x = D + “\n” + “pipe.close_write” + “\n” + “puts” + “\n” +
kill = "kill -9 "
eval pid

killall -i makes the code interactive

killall_pid = "killall -i " + a
puts killall_pid
exec killall_pid

kills the process by name - not pid (does not seem to work with all

processes - I think)

it would be better written to kill the process by pid instead but I

do not know how to

take the out put of eval pid and use the kill -9 command with the


This works pretty well but does not ask you for confirmation before
you clobber a process
Any other improvements welcome. IDEAS? It uses kill -9, probably not
the best idea…

#!/usr/bin/ruby -w

kill_pid.rb - kill a process by a given name

Written by [email protected] Sat Apr 4 06:43:02 BRT 2009

This code first asks you the name of the process you want to kill -

respond with the name of the process

It kills the process after you hit return without asking for

puts "What is the name of the process you want to kill? "
process = gets.chomp
a = process
#output = “”
#IO.popen(“ps -aef | grep ‘PROCESS_NAME’ | grep -v grep | awk ‘{print
$2}’”) do |readme|

readme.each do |line|

output << line


o = “ps -aef | grep " + a + " | grep -v grep | awk ‘{print $2}’”
#puts o
output = “”
D = ‘IO.popen( "’ + o + ‘" ) do |readme|’ + “\n” + “readme.each do |
line|” + “\n” + “output << line” + “\n” + “end” + “\n” + “end” +
eval D
kill = "kill -9 "
kill_output = kill + output
#puts kill_output
exec kill_output

On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 3:19 PM, sanjayayogi [email protected]

This works pretty well but does not ask you for confirmation before
you clobber a process
Any other improvements welcome. IDEAS? It uses kill -9, probably not
the best idea…

As a matter of style, you should separate out the part of your program
that does the actual work from the part that does the input/output.
Structure it more like

def get_pid_from_name(process_name)

def kill_process(pid, signal)

main program starts here

print “enter process name”
pname = gets.chomp()
print “enter signal”
signal = gets.chomp()

pid = get_pid_from_name(pname)
kill_process(pid, signal)
