Alias not working on 0.7.35

I tried to put this configuration on my nginx.conf

location  /default/ {

    alias  /home/myhome/content/;


    location ~ \.flv$ {



But it doesn’t work.

When opening a FLV files, it always pointed me to the root directory
is /home/myhome

Is there anythink i’ve missed?

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 01:56:01PM +0700, Glen L. wrote:

But it doesn’t work.

When opening a FLV files, it always pointed me to the root directory which
is /home/myhome

Is there anythink i’ve missed?

You need the last 0.7.x:

 location    /default/ {
     alias  /home/myhome/content/;

 location ~ ^/default/(.+\.flv)$ {
     alias  /home/myhome/content/$1;

2009/3/31 Igor S. [email protected]

location    /default/ {
    alias  /home/myhome/content/;

 location ~ ^/default/(.+\.flv)$ {
    alias  /home/myhome/content/$1;

Why do we need to put an alias on the flv?
Is this method not work on 0.6.35 ?

Here’s my configuration

    root    /home/myhome;

    access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log;

    location ~ \.flv$ {

    location    /default {
        alias  /home/yourhome/content;

    location ~ ^/default/(.+\.flv)$ {
        alias  /home/yourhome/content/$1;

When I tried to access /default/filename.flv, it still redirect me to
/home/myhome/default/filename.flv. And it shows file not found

nginx -v

nginx version: nginx/0.7.46

On Wed, Apr 01, 2009 at 09:59:39AM +0700, Glen L. wrote:

    location ~ \.flv$ {

Why do we need to put an alias on the flv?

Because “/default/some.flv” will choose “.flv$” location, but not
“/default/” one.

Is this method not work on 0.6.35 ?

No, currently 0.6.x does support captures in location, and I’m not sure
if I will merged it from 0.7: there are many changes in location
in 0.7.

On Fri, Apr 03, 2009 at 09:51:39AM +0700, Glen L. wrote:

    location    /default {
        alias  /home/yourhome/content;

    location ~ ^/default/(.+\.flv)$ {
        alias  /home/yourhome/content/$1;

When I tried to access /default/filename.flv, it still redirect me to
/home/myhome/default/filename.flv. And it shows file not found

You need to change order of regex locations:

     location ~ ^/default/(.+\.flv)$ {
         alias  /home/yourhome/content/$1;

     location ~ \.flv$ {

Otherwise, “.flv$” is matched first.

Thank’s Igor. It’s works now!

When it will be implemented into the stable version?