[Rails] specifying that a layout yields?

I recently had a bug in a layout due to the layout not calling “yield”
to display the actual content. I wanted to write a spec to describe
what was missing, but it wasn’t obvious how, so I just fixed the
problem first and doubled back to spec it later.

Anyway, the most succinct thing I was able to come up with was the

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describe “/layouts/application” do
it “should show the content” do
class << template
attr_accessor :did_render_content
template.did_render_content = false
render :inline => “<% self.did_render_content = true
%>”, :layout => ‘application’
template.did_render_content.should be_true

But I’m not quite satisfied with this, as it’s not as clear and
expressive as specs usually are. I thought I’d write a custom matcher
for it, but it’s not obvious to me what I’d even want the spec to look

Any ideas?



On 29 Mar 2009, at 02:33, Brandt Kurowski wrote:

it “should show the content” do
But I’m not quite satisfied with this, as it’s not as clear and
expressive as specs usually are. I thought I’d write a custom matcher
for it, but it’s not obvious to me what I’d even want the spec to look

Any ideas?



That’s some pretty nifty code Brandt :slight_smile:

Did you consider testing this aspect of the view’s behaviour from a
higher-level Cucumber acceptance test? I think that’s what I would
have probably done.

Matt W.


On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 9:33 PM, Brandt Kurowski
[email protected] wrote:

it “should show the content” do
But I’m not quite satisfied with this, as it’s not as clear and
expressive as specs usually are. I thought I’d write a custom matcher
for it, but it’s not obvious to me what I’d even want the spec to look

Any ideas?

There’s no need for a custom matcher. You just utilize the :layout
option that render has. e.g. the follow example ensures the layout
renders the content it is given (via a yield block):

describe “layouts/application.html.erb” do
it “should render the context given” do
render :text => “foobar”, :layout => “layouts/application.html.erb”
response.should include_text(“foobar”)



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Zach D.

On Mar 30, 9:56 am, Zach D. [email protected] wrote:

 template.did_render_content.should be_true
response.should include_text("foobar")


Doh! Looks like I was so focused on the mechanism behind the failure
that I ended up writing my spec for the details of the implementation
rather than just the desired behavior. Thanks for pointing out what in
retrospect should’ve been obvious Zach.


On Mar 30, 3:39 am, Matt W. [email protected] wrote:

On 29 Mar 2009, at 02:33, Brandt Kurowski wrote:

I recently had a bug in a layout due to the layout not calling “yield”
to display the actual content. I wanted to write a spec to describe
what was missing, but it wasn’t obvious how, so I just fixed the
problem first and doubled back to spec it later.

Did you consider testing this aspect of the view’s behaviour from a
higher-level Cucumber acceptance test? I think that’s what I would
have probably done.

Thanks Matt. It was actually a Cucumber feature that found the bug
(this is a new project that I’ve yet to actually open a browser on, I
think), so in that sense it’s already covered. But I wanted to somehow
specify this very particular piece of behavior so that in the future
if someone breaks it, there’s a spec that points right to the problem.
I think that if someone breaks my layout this way (e.g. accidentally
removing the yield in a future edit), most (all?) of my acceptance
tests will fail but it won’t be immediately obvious why.
