[Cucumber][email-spec] Testing Incoming Email with email-spec

I’ve done some work for email-spec that allows you to quickly test
e-mail handling.

Does any body else receive e-mail? If so, I would love your
as I’m hoping this will eventually get merged into master so that
can use.

The branch i’m working in is
It provides an IncomingEmail class which you can use to generate emails
attachments, multipart emails, etc. Your app can then process this email
if it is a normal one.

The rationale behind this is that while Rails Recipies and others
testing e-mail with actual e-mail fixtures, this felt too brittle for
what I
wanted to do.

So, email-spec will now hopefully help with testing things like:

  1. Emailing attachments / notes to a backpack-like page
  2. Replying to messages via email. E.g. how some websites allow you to
    ‘reply above this line’ to messages / comments via email.
  3. A messaging system that hides users from each other (e.g. a dating

Ben also suggested that this could be used to testing things like how
app handles bounced e-mail, etc.

I have included a sample list of steps below. If you are confused about
receiving e-mail might work, please checkout my example app (not using
e-mail spec)
It uses the fetcher plugin.

Anyway, here are the features:

Feature: EmailSpec Example – Quickly generate incoming e-mail

In order to keep track of my information

As a customer I want to send e-mail to an e-mail spec app

to keep the e-mail in the app so that it can be with other relavent info

Scenario: An incoming email is delivered to a page
  Given an incoming email to "[email protected]"
  And the email is from "[email protected]"
  And a "User" with the email "[email protected]"

  When the email is delivered

  And I go to the email page

  Then I should see the email

Scenario: An incoming email with a header
  Given an incoming email to "[email protected]"
  And the email is from "[email protected]"
  And a "User" with the email "[email protected]"
  And the "agent" header is "007"

  When the email is delivered

  And I go to the email page

  Then I should see the email

Scenario: An incoming email with an attachment is delivered to a 

Given an incoming email
And the email is to “[email protected]
And a “User” with the email “[email protected]
And the email has the “image/png” file at
“features/support/rails.png” attached

  When the email is delivered
  And I go to the email page
  Then I should see the email
  And I should see the attachment

Scenario: An incoming multipart email's text part goes to a page
  Given an incoming email to "[email protected]"
  And the email is from "[email protected]"
  And the email has both an html part and a text part
  And a "User" with the email "[email protected]"

  When the email is delivered

  And I go to the email page

  Then I should see only the text part of the email

Scenario: An incoming html only email goes to a page
  Given an incoming email to "[email protected]"
  And the email has only html
  And the email is from "[email protected]"
  And a "User" with the email "[email protected]"

  When the email is delivered

  And I go to the email page

  Then I should see the html


Mischa F.