ListView Appears Completely Broken

The documentation says that the ListView control should be used in
preference to ListCtrl. I can find the ListView documentation from a
link on the ListCtrl page, but the ListView isn’t on the list of
controls on the class reference.

I then call up irb and enter the following:

 require 'wx'

and get the response:

 uninitialized constant Wxruby2::ListView

Is the class completely broken in wxRuby, or is there a piece of magic
that I’m missing? I’ve got a pretty good record of missing the obvious.

Thanks much

Hi Michael

Michael S. wrote:

The documentation says that the ListView control should be used in
preference to ListCtrl. I can find the ListView documentation from a
link on the ListCtrl page, but the ListView isn’t on the list of
controls on the class reference.

Sorry, there’s no ListView in wxRuby; just use ListCtrl.

The recommendation was inherited from the C++ docs which we used as the
starting point for the ruby docs. But in Ruby, ListCtrl isn’t that hard
to use, so the ‘simpler’ class was redundant. I’ll update the docs.
