Rails's models diagrams

hi i’m a newbie ror programmer and in my job demand the rails’s models
diagrams to add this plataform to the daily work, i still havent found
anything so if someone could be so nice to send me one ill be very


I haven’t tested it against 2.3, but Railroad can do what you’re
asking for:


–Matt J.

On Mar 19, 3:23 pm, Isaac Amaru Zelaya O. [email protected]

Thanks a lot… i will try


it´s not working, railroad generate applications diagrams, not for the
framework, i have been looking around for one but it seems that there´s
i need a class or model diagram of the rails framework like the one
available for struts in java.
please i´ll be very thankfull


I think you may be out of luck - I’ve never heard of anybody doing
such a thing. Given that modern UML has special notations for various
language features (anonymous inner classes in Java, for instance), it
may not even be possible with some of the metaprogramming stuff going
on in Rails. For instance, how would UML represent an association
proxy, or the method_missing stuff that ActiveRecord uses?

Out of curiosity, why on earth would such a diagram be needed? Surely
there’s a better reason than “management said so”…

–Matt J.

On Mar 27, 12:15 pm, Isaac Amaru Zelaya O. [email protected]

On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 11:40 AM, Matt J. [email protected] wrote:

Out of curiosity, why on earth would such a diagram be needed? Surely
there’s a better reason than “management said so”…

No… that was the same reason why I had to do it about a month ago.

Fortunately for me Railroad’s output was good enough.

Greg D.

Fortunately for me Railroad’s output was good enough.

could you send me your diagram? please i need it a lot.
and thanks for all the help