Timeouts with Thread#join and Net:HTTP

I have a script doing some multi-threaded work. Every thread is a call
to an API making a simple post request. My problem is that the script
throws a Timeout:Error when i’m waiting for all my threads to join

/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:60:in rbuf_fill': execution expired (Timeout::Error) from test.rb:35:in join’
from test.rb:35
from test.rb:34:in `each’
from test.rb:34

Here’s my code - test.rb

amount = 60
@threads = []

1.upto(amount) { |i|
@threads << Thread.new do
puts “New Thread Created #{i}”

# This thread makes 10 post requests
1.upto(10) { |j|
  puts "Thread #{i} Try #{j}"
  # => DO post request using Net:HTTP
  Net::HTTP.start("localhost", "80") do |http|
      response = http.request_post("/test/mypost.php?get=value",



Join all the threads we have created

@threads.each{ |thr|
thr.join # Timeout:ERror thrown here after approx 1.5 mins

Wrapping my thread.join call around Timeout::timeout (http://www.ruby-
doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/timeout/rdoc/classes/Timeout.html) didn’t help

Any suggestions how to make it not timeout so that I can finish
making all the API calls? I’ve tried hard but haven’t been able to
find a solution

On Mar 17, 11:11 pm, Rushi [email protected] wrote:

# This thread makes 10 post requests


Any suggestions how to make it not timeout so that I can finish
making all the API calls? I’ve tried hard but haven’t been able to
find a solution

There is a reference to a timeout tool called terminator that you
might look at in James Edward G. II confreaks presentation
‘LittleBIGRuby’ It is a quick reference, but it might do what you

Code is here: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=1024&release_id=26322

I believe Ara Howard wrote it.

Mike B.

Rushi wrote:

Join all the threads we have created

@threads.each{ |thr|
thr.join # Timeout:ERror thrown here after approx 1.5 mins

Wrapping my thread.join call around Timeout::timeout (http://www.ruby-
doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/timeout/rdoc/classes/Timeout.html) didn’t help

Any suggestions how to make it not timeout so that I can finish
making all the API calls? I’ve tried hard but haven’t been able to
find a solution

I don’t see how join can timeout at all the way you’ve called it. join
should never timeout, unless you specify a limit:

------------------------------------------------------------ Thread#join
thr.join => thr
thr.join(limit) => thr

 The calling thread will suspend execution and run _thr_. Does not
 return until _thr_ exits or until _limit_ seconds have passed. If
 the time limit expires, +nil+ will be returned, otherwise _thr_ is