Mock_model with Rspec/Rspec-rails 1.2 and Rails 2.3


Not sure if anyone has faced this problem yet and managed to resolve
it… I understand Rspec ‘decoupled’ the mock frameworks, however it
works fine with Rails 2.2 but fails in 2.3…

Can anyone give me any pointers as to what changes are required in
spec_helper.rb to ensure mock_model methods are available?

Within console I can mock an object with the following:

require ‘spec’
require ‘spec/mocks’
require ‘spec/mocks/mock.rb’
require ‘spec/rails/mocks.rb’

include Spec
include Spec::Mocks
include Spec::Mocks::Methods
include Spec::Mocks::ExampleMethods
include Spec::Rails::Mocks

=> #<User:0x1c04c10 @name=“User_1001”>

However, within spec_helper.rb

require “erb”
ENV[“RAILS_ENV”] = “test”
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(FILE) + “/…/config/

require ‘spec/autorun’
require ‘spec/rails’
require ‘spec/mocks’
require ‘spec/mocks/mock.rb’
require ‘spec/rails/mocks.rb’

Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
config.include Spec::Mocks
config.include Spec::Mocks::Methods
config.include Spec::Mocks::ExampleMethods
config.include Spec::Rails::Mocks


With the above settings when our specs run (while on rails 2.3 and
rspec 1.2), the following error occurs :

undefined method `mock_model=’ for #User:0x2d5887c

Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated…

Best regards,


2009/3/18 Tom M. [email protected]:

Not sure if anyone has faced this problem yet and managed to resolve it… I
understand Rspec ‘decoupled’ the mock frameworks, however it works fine with
Rails 2.2 but fails in 2.3…

Why do you put decoupled in quotes? Are you mocking decoupling of

include Spec::Mocks
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(FILE) + “/…/config/environment”)


With the above settings when our specs run (while on rails 2.3 and rspec
1.2), the following error occurs :
undefined method `mock_model=’ for #User:0x2d5887c

The error says “mock_model=”, which indicates that you’re trying to
set it somewhere in your code. Please show us the spec that is failing
with a reference to the line that is raising that error.


On Mar 17, 2009, at 11:37 PM, David C. wrote:

2009/3/18 Tom M. [email protected]:

With the above settings when our specs run (while on rails 2.3 and
1.2), the following error occurs :
undefined method `mock_model=’ for #User:0x2d5887c

The error says “mock_model=”, which indicates that you’re trying to
set it somewhere in your code. Please show us the spec that is failing
with a reference to the line that is raising that error.

I think this would require him to do
self.mock_model = blah
send(“mock_model=”, blah)

which seems really, really weird. Oh well. Some code ought to clear
it up.
