Rails loads wrong files

I run in to errors which I dont understand:
I never get the newest version of code (xxx.html.erb) displayed, instead
my editors backupfile (xxx.html.erb.bak) are loaded/run.

I run Rails v2.3.2 (I am new. How to install 2.0.2? “gem install rails”
put 2.3.2. on my windows xp machine)


  1. In my app there are some files (xxx.html.erb) as it should be.
    These files above I have been written and edited with my editor (i.e.

  2. The Editor saves backup files from the last version of the file with
    extension .bak, like (xxx.html.erb.bak):

  3. When I make a mistake in coding, the error page displayed concerns
    the backup files (xxx.html.erb.bak), not the xxx.html.erb files!!!
    So I never get the newest version of code (xxx.html.erb) loaded nor

  4. When there is a backup file (i.e.
    app/views/flights/show.html.erb.bak), Rails error page shows content of
    the backup file (xxx.thml.erb.bak), not of the current file

####### START #################

Errno::ENOENT in Flights#show

Showing app/views/flights/show.html.erb.bak where line #29 raised:

No such file or directory -

Extracted source (around line #29):

27: <%= render :partial=>“seat_list”, :locals=>{:seats=>@flight.seats}
29: <%= render :partial=>“new_seat”,
:locals=>{:seat=>Seat.new(:flight_id=>@flight.id)} %>
31: <%= link_to ‘Edit’, edit_flight_path(@flight) %> |
32: <%= link_to ‘Back’, flights_path %>

####### END #################

  1. When I have deleted the editors backup file, but the xxx.htm.erb file
    ist still here, I got the folowing error:

####### START #################

Error message: “Missing template flights/_seat_list.erb in view path

####### END #################

  1. Any ideas why Rails loads not the xxx.html.erb files?
    Is this located only on Rails v2.3.2?

Mike J. wrote:

  1. The Editor saves backup files from the last version of the file with
    extension .bak, like (xxx.html.erb.bak):

I have no idea why Rails is trying to use your backup files. Maybe it
sees the “html.erb” and ignores the rest of the file name. That being
said, if I had an editor that left trash backup files around in my
project folder I would immediately look for a option to turn that
“feature” off. If the editor didn’t have such an option, I would find
another editor. Those backup files are completely unnecessary if you’re
using a version control system. And, if you’re not using a version
control system then your should be.