Connection Pooling on Rails 2.2.2 (Windows Vista)


I’m trying to setup rails 2.2.2 pool connections to MySQL by
specifying the pool setting with 5 in database.yml but no hope… It
doesn’t work.
My rails is running on webrick in the production mode and the webrick
is launched by RadRails.

Even though I send multiple requests to my app on rails at the same
time, it seemed only one connection is shared ( pooled ).
I also checked on MySQL with the command “show processlist” but only
one connection was shown.

Do I have to do something ?? or Rails on Windows cannot make multiple
connections ??



On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 3:23 AM, syuji [email protected] wrote:

time, it seemed only one connection is shared ( pooled ).
I also checked on MySQL with the command “show processlist” but only
one connection was shown.

Do I have to do something ?? or Rails on Windows cannot make multiple
connections ??



What does you database.yml look like? Are you seeing any error messages
the logs?


Hi, Conrad

Thank you for the reply.

Here is my database.yml

adapter: mysql
host: localhost
port: 3306
pool: 5
encoding: utf8
username: testuser
password: testpassword
database: my_sample_app_production

I don’t see any errors in the logs.
I get proper responses from MySQL but my problem is that Rails doesn’t
multiple connections.

I forgot to mention the version of Ruby I’m using. It’s 1.8.7.
Is there any way to check how many connections are in pool ???
As I said earlier, I’ve checked with a “show processlist” command in
console but I’m not sure that’s the best way or not.

Thanks in advance.


In order to take advantage of connection pooling, you need an adapter
supports multithreading. The basic MySQL adapter doesn’t do that.

Check out GitHub - methodmissing/mysqlplus_adapter
a pretty detailed walkthrough to set this up.