Admin links

Is there a better way to show admin link than this? I want to
implement page caching but can’t due to it not having conditions.
Fragment caching seems wrong for my site since every page should be
cached except I have this toolbar div shown in the layout if the user
is logged in.

<% if logged_in? -%>

  • <%= link_to "New article", new_article_path %>
  • <%= link_to "New project", new_project_path %>
  • <%= yield :admin %>
  • <%= link_to "Logout", logout_path %>

<%= flash[:notice] %>

<% end -%>

Any tips on a different way of doing the admin interface that don’t
involve duplication like /admin/…?

yaphi wrote:

Is there a better way to show admin link than this? I want to
implement page caching but can’t due to it not having conditions.
Fragment caching seems wrong for my site since every page should be
cached except I have this toolbar div shown in the layout if the user
is logged in.

So cache all your fragments…

one fragment is the toolbar div, the other fragment is the rest of the
page (effectively your ‘page’ caching).

I cache a left-nav fragment (effectively the admin versus not admin
menu), the main area fragment (for show or index, edit/new not cached),
and a right-nav fragment (a context menu of related models based on what
currently appears in the main area. the context-nav is itself a fragment
cache of multi-tiered fragments - the retrieval of all the related
models of a given model can be very expensive, so for a given model
instance, each type of related model has its own fragment). Takes a bit
to get used to for devs new to the project, but its easily an order of
magnitude faster to assemble fragments. Relating a new model just
invalidates that “related model type” fragment and the overall “related
models” fragment.