Code Review: netinterop1

tfpt review “/shelveset:netinterop1;REDMOND\jdeville”
Comment :
Adds more netinterop tests related to methods.
Adds these tests to snap.
Reorganizes the ruby generictest folder
Adds the command line tests to snap
Adds tags for netinterop
Modifies testsupport.cs (ClrAssembly) to make the Flag Value field
public to match with other Flag classes, and to work better with Ruby

Do people prefer using “” or “/” as the directory separator in Ruby
code? I prefer “/” since all existing Ruby code uses that, and Ruby on
windows understands it as well. Plus you don’t have to play the
escape-slash game when using double-quoted strings.

Also, some folks might be confused at the strange class/method names
uses in these tests. They come from rowantest.*.dll, which are full of
test cases IronPython uses for .NET interop testing, so we are just
reusing them. However, it’s only a temporary solution, as we’ll probably
move to a C#-code-inline approach which Jim is going to get working

Regardless, I approve =)

Where are you talking about / vs ? I’ll change it. The \ in context.rb
has to stay because it gets put directly into app.config during the

The odd class names (rowantest.*.dll) are in the git repo at
Merlin\Main\Test\ClrAssembly. It’s a naked csproj (no solution), but it
should compile from VS. I might remove it after inline support is