RUBYLIB on windows

How do i set rubylib on windows?

Specifically I would like to ask a directory like


which contains my ruby scripts.

(PS: Windows drives me crazy… things which are easy on Linux seem to
be quite hard on Windows)

Marc H. wrote:

How do i set rubylib on windows?

Specifically I would like to ask a directory like


which contains my ruby scripts.

(PS: Windows drives me crazy… things which are easy on Linux seem to
be quite hard on Windows)

It’s not so bad. On windows I have a file /local.rb like this:

This is intended to be used with the env var


For example,



RUBYOPT=-rubygems -r/local

require ‘rubygems’

$LOAD_PATH.concat %w{

Marc H. wrote:

How do i set rubylib on windows?

Specifically I would like to ask a directory like


which contains my ruby scripts.

(PS: Windows drives me crazy… things which are easy on Linux seem to
be quite hard on Windows)

Assuming XP here:

My Computer [Desktop Icon(usually)] => Properties [Menu

System Properties [Window] => Advanced [Tab] => Environment Variables

Environment Variables [Window] => System Variables [Panel] => New

NT has some similar chain, don’t know about Vista, sorry

(PS: Windows drives me crazy… things which are easy on Linux seem to
be quite hard on Windows)

Or install CygWin. There are still issues, but in general it will
simulate a
GNU/POSIX environment, all the way down to a mutilatable /etc folder!