RESTful Routes not working - Switches ID and Action


I would like to ask for some suggestions on my problem with Routes. It’s
probably pretty simpel.

This link:

<%= link_to image_tag(“…”, :alt => “…”, :title => “…”),
edit_brand_path(brand) %>

Results in this URL:


And echos this:

“Unknown action - No action responded to 21”

When I type http://localhost:3000/brands/edit/21, everything is fine.
There must be some problem with my resource. I have this in routes.rb

map.resources :brands

The application also doesn’t seem to update and create brands, which
seems to come from the same problem. I pretty much copy and pasted the
model from other ones, so my guess is, that I forgot something basic.

I got:

Thanks very much!


Okay, told this problem to my colleague (no Rails guy), just in an
abstract form. And when I told him “Normally I just have to put
map.resource in routes.db” it hit me: I didn’t restart the server.
Problem solved.

Sorry for spamming the list, maybe it helps the next newbie like me.