E commece website

I just started on ruby on rails and i was asked by my supervisor to
create a ecommerce website using ruby on rails. I have planned how the
website is to be like. It will be like an ebay process but with no
bidding and no paypal, just straight calling the seller for there
product but its only for a certain organisation so a login page is
needed before you log on to the website. Each seller has there own
account. Can you you give me a step by step guide on how to do a page
that has the option to sign in/ log in?

lox323 wrote:

I just started on ruby on rails and i was asked by my supervisor to
create a ecommerce website using ruby on rails. I have planned how the
website is to be like. It will be like an ebay process but with no
bidding and no paypal, just straight calling the seller for there
product but its only for a certain organisation so a login page is
needed before you log on to the website. Each seller has there own
account. Can you you give me a step by step guide on how to do a page
that has the option to sign in/ log in?

That sounds like the sample website from /Agile Web D. with
Rails/, 3rd

Don’t do Rails without it!

Hi lox323,

the rails development book is one way. The other way is to collect the
“mechanism” you need from several tutorials etc.

  1. Authentication and Access:

  2. The ebay Api for ruby

  3. Other stuff

Good luck and have fun!


p.s. there are loots of other book (besided “the” rails book) which also
deal with rails and e-commerce. Have a look at apress.com. But the this
with all the books including the rails book is, that they all use Rails
< 2.0 It’s not that easy to migrate all the examples to the 2.2.2
version etc. But you could also use Rails < 2.0 for you project. But you
will lack the features.