2 button_to functions for file downloads

I have 2 button_to functions that download 2 different files. the
first one acts like a submit and the second on actually does downlaod
the file. Does anyone know what would cause that?

<%= button_to ‘Download PCCIS file’, :action => ‘downloadpccis’ %>
<%= button_to ‘Download CIS file’, :action => ‘downloadcis’ %>

Anyone have any idea why one button does a submit and the other does a
file download?

On Thu, 2009-02-12 at 17:29 -0800, Me wrote:

Anyone have any idea why one button does a submit and
the other does a file download?

In general, element behavior in any page is a function of the browser
parser’s ability to make sense of the code we feed it. Post your code
and we might be able to help.

Best regards,

For some reason the first button is giving me this for a response:
try {

123 was built

} catch (e) { alert(‘RJS error:\n\n’ + e.toString()); alert(’$
(“notification”).update("<h1 style=‘display: inline’ class='mes
‘>Site 123 was built");\n$(“downloads”).show();’); throw e }

<% form_tag( {:action => ‘mltn6p’} ) do -%>

Wendia Site entry Program

Select your Shelf <%= select(:node, :id, $shelves,{:prompt =>'Select Equipment'},{ :onchange => remote_function(:url => { :action => "gotoshelf"})} ) %>
<%= render :partial => 'sitedata' %> Download POB Files <%= button_to 'Download CIS file', :action => 'downloadcis' %> <%= button_to 'Download PCCIS file', :action => 'downloadpccis' %>
<div id="content">
    <div id="notification"> </div>
        <%= yield %>
<% end %>

def downloadcis
send_file("#{$site.upcase}_CIS.csv", :type => ‘text/plain’,
:disposition => ‘attachment’)

def downloadpccis
    send_file("#{$site.upcase}_PCCIS.csv", :type => 'text/plain',

:disposition => ‘attachment’)

Anyone have any ideas why the second button works but the first button
is giving me the above error?

OK Well this must be a bug I guess but I managed to get it to work.

For some reason the first one was trying to give the js response to
the action. So for the hey of it I used 3 button_to’s and the bottom
two worked while the first one was giving me the same response.

<%= button_to 'Download PCCIS file', :action => 'downloadpccis' %>
<%= button_to 'Download PCCIS file', :action => 'downloadcis' %> <%= button_to 'Download PCCIS file', :action => 'downloadpccis' %>

On Feb 14, 5:54 pm, Me [email protected] wrote:

OK Well this must be a bug I guess but I managed to get it to work.

button_to generates a form for you with a button. You’ve put a button
in a form, therefore in the generated html there will be a form nested
inside a form which isn’t valid html (and also sorts of weird stuff
can happen, like the “wrong” form being generated).
