Using a controller method in model


how to use a controller method in model?


---- in -ApplicationController

def is_ok?
return true unless …

----- in model

use is_ok?

why you need to do this?

On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 11:10 PM, fmh [email protected] wrote:

return true unless …

----- in model

use is_ok?


CFC on Rails:

Only two surfaces of a box:

because i have a special controller authentication (an admin model
without table) and in my model i have a method to authorize some

i did this , because i dont want integrate my users admin with simple

class Admin < ActiveRecord::BaseWithoutTable
column :username , :string
column :userpass , :string

def self.authenticate?(username,userpass)
admin =
admin.username = “admin”
admin.userpass = “1234”
if (admin.username == username && admin.userpass == userpass)

how to affect this admin to a current_user ?

because if my current_user is an admin user i skip my other problem

On 7 fév, 16:35, Fernando P. [email protected]

fmh wrote:

because i have a special controller authentication (an admin model
without table) and in my model i have a method to authorize some

You are trying to break the MVC pattern, only bad things will happen to
you, you certainly have to refactor / rethink your code.

i think i rushed coding this, i now rethinking my code.
i am not familiar with MVC.


So once we get past the “Why would you ever want to do something dumb
like that?” and “Bad things will happen…” which I assume means the
Rails Police will come during the night and kill your cat, how can FMH
actually get the job done?

Seriously guys, give the guy at least a pointer to a real reason not
to do what he’s trying - don’t just spit dogma.

This has worked for me with:
About your application’s environment
Ruby version 1.8.7 (powerpc-darwin9)
RubyGems version 1.3.1
Rails version 2.2.2
Active Record version 2.2.2
Action Pack version 2.2.2
Active Resource version 2.2.2
Action Mailer version 2.2.2
Active Support version 2.2.2
Application root /Users/rick/Journeys
Environment development
Database adapter postgresql

  1. put your needed methods in a module in “lib/your_stuff.rb” where
    your_stuff.rb looks like:

module YourStuff
def thing1


  1. add the line “include YourStuff” to the controller for the class
    you want to make thing1 available in:

class PagesController < ApplicationController
include AuthenticatedSystem

or, optionally, add it to app/controllers/application.rb to make
thing1 available everywhere.

Now let’s see if there can be some reasonable discussion about why
this is a “bad idea” and how soon you should expect your cat to die.


Look here for some examples on how to do role based authorization.

You can also checkout restful-authentication to support the user login
type of accounts.

These two work well together.

fmh wrote:

i think i rushed coding this, i now rethinking my code.
i am not familiar with MVC.

Q? Do you have a users table? If so then why is not the admin flag
simply an attribute of user? If not then how do you identify users?

yes i have a user table, now I have included my admins in, with a
column UserType and it works very well with restfulauthentication.

Sometimes we need code accessible from everywhere. Usually models
relate to structure of data for storage and business logic.
Controllers are for the gluing of interface to model and views are
interface related. Ask questions if you get stuck

Learn rails:


seems you are looking to have a “special case” of a user (a user who
is an admin) … look at this pattern from Martin F. and see if
it applies… P of EAA: Special Case

I got to say that within MVC, the Controller should not interfere with
the Model as the responsibility of the controller is to select with
model and view to use and what to do with the model (not publish
anything inside the model).

In short MVC can be viewed as split responsibilities (definitions for
a lot of these patterns is there Catalog of Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
but frankly go get the book, you’ll do yourself a favor):
(M)odel: the business logic, data storage
(C)ontroller:deciding which model and view are best to handle the
user request
(V): rendering the model based on decision made by the controller

BTW, not tying a model to a table is perfectly acceptable you know.
