Recursive directory rename problem


  • trying to standardize on a naming convention for all of my
    directories(OS agnostic).
  • new structure should be all lower-case with hyphphens for spaces
  • Using windows, I am running the following:

Dir.foreach("./"){ |d|
next if d =~ /[a-z]+.[a-z]+/
next if d == “.” or d == “…”
newfile = d.gsub(/\W/, “-”)
File.rename(d, newfile)

so I want:

\Test Dir1
\TestDir2\TestDir 1

to change to


Which works fine on the top level, but is not recursing down to the next
level. Filenames should be ignored.

I’ve tried playing with various methods on the Dir class (entries,
Using Dir[/] is throwing up saying that it can’t rename (no surprise
since it can’t rename without an absolute path, I guess).

Please help thanks!

Ransom T.:

so I want:

\Test Dir1
\TestDir2\TestDir 1

to change to


Which works fine on the top level, but is not recursing down to the
next level. Filenames should be ignored.

Dir.entries is not recursive; you want ‘find’. But it has to be a
depth-first ‘find’: you can gradually replace the pillars of a
building if you start from the top, but not from the bottom. (Mixing
metaphors on which direction is ‘depth’.)

require ‘pathname’

def find_depth_first(pathname)
acc = []
pathname.find { |file| acc << file }
acc.each { |path| yield path }

find_depth_first(Pathname(".")) { |path|
new_path = path.dirname +
Pathname(path.basename.to_s.downcase.gsub(/\s/, “-”))
if new_path != path