Route Collections and HTTP methods

I don’t see a way to create a single URL in a collection and then have
routing dispatch to the appropriate method based on the HTTP method.

map.resources :packages, :collection=>{ :search=>:get }

Gets me half way there, but I can see a way to say that I want the
POST to go to the do_search method.


map.resources :packages, :collection=>
{ :search=>:get, :do_search=>:post }

results in a ActionController::MethodNotAllowed for POSTs to /packages/

rake routes affirms that this should be accepted:

do_search_packages POST /packages/do_search
{:action=>“do_search”, :controller=>“packages”}

How can I solve either of these?


I don’t have a solution for you but in general searches are GET and
never POST. I don’t know where this nonsense comes from but
it’s breaking the principles behind the HTTP.

Did you try :any instead of :post ?

ciao, tom

…but in general searches are GET and
never POST. I don’t know where this nonsense comes from but
it’s breaking the principles behind the HTTP.

Well I don’t disagree with this paradigm, but the point is Rails seems
to not allow one to set up a route like the defaults provided by
map.resourses. i.e one URL, dispatched to to 2 different actions based
on HTTP method.

Did you try :any instead of :post ?

Either one raises the nonsensical ActionController::MethodNotAllowed.
I say nonsensical because rake routes tells me do_search accepts