Log 404 errors only?

Hi all,

is there any way to log only HTTP codes >= 400 (maybe only 404 errors)
in the access.log? I’m not interested in successful delivery, redirects
or similar.



On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 02:44:05PM +0100, Peter Hinse wrote:

is there any way to log only HTTP codes >= 400 (maybe only 404 errors)
in the access.log? I’m not interested in successful delivery, redirects
or similar.

  location / {
      access_log  off;
      error_page  404  /404;

  location = /404 {
      access_log  /path/to/log;

Igor S. schrieb:

      access_log  /path/to/log;

hi Igor,

thank you very much!

