Select in fields_for not selecting

I have a user who has a location that location contains a country_id.
Location has a polymorphic interface locatable.

What works:
The user can edit their name, country and city. This all saves to the DB
on the update put.

The problem:
Returning to the edit page shows the textfield’s name and city populated
but the country select form element defaults to blank. The value for
user.location.country_id is saved in the DB but the form element refuses
to show this as “selected”. I have attempted explicityly setting the
selected :option but still, it fails to show country.


has_one :location, :as => :locatable, :dependent => :destroy

belongs_to :country
belongs_to :locatable, :polymorphic => true

has_many :locations

<% form_for @user, :html => { :multipart => true } do |form| %>

<%= form.label :name %> <%= form.text_field :name %>

<% fields_for “user[location_attributes]”,@user.location do
|location_fields| %>

<%= location_fields.label :country_id %> <%= :country_id, Country.find(:all).map { |c| [,] }, { :include_blank => true } %>
<%= location_fields.label :city %> <%= location_fields.text_field :city %>
<%- end -%>

<%= form.submit ‘Update’ %>
<% end %>


def edit
@user = User.find(params[:id])

def update
@user = User.find(params[:id])
@user.attributes = params[:user]!
flash[:notice] = “Your profile has been updated.”
redirect_to url_after_update

rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid
render :action => “edit”

I forgot to mention.
I adjusted the fields_for name to “user[location]” in case
“_attributes” was causing the problem.

You may want to consider adding attr_accessible for the editable
fields in your model.


On Jan 14, 5:11 pm, Adam madd02 [email protected]

Thanks for your reply DKM,

I have location_attributes listed in the users attr_accessable list and
use attr_protected for the :locatable_id and :locatable_type in

Just to check that there are no attribute access issues i commented out
attr_accessible and attr_protected’s in the user and location models. It
still did not set the select.

I believe it’s soemthing to do with the select name generated from the


but im not sure what.