Validates_presence_of fails with false boolean

This almost feels like a bug to me, since false is not nil. (i don’t
think!) Using v_p_o on a boolean field fails validation if the field is
passed with ‘false’. It passes validation in the case of true. How can
I validate _presence_of a boolean if it is submitted false?

You should use validates_inclusion_of. See:


On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 5:53 PM, Taylor S. <

Craig D. wrote:

You should use validates_inclusion_of. See:


On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 5:53 PM, Taylor S. <

Doh. I searched google and ruby-forum, but who would have thought to
look in the API docs:

“If you want to validate the presence of a boolean field (where the real
values are true and false), you will want to use validates_inclusion_of
:field_name, :in => [true, false] This is due to the way Object#blank?
handles boolean values. false.blank? # => true”
