Is the Fit Table documentation correct?

I’ve been looking at the authentication feature example contained in
merb_cucumber and not having used features with tabulated input before
I had to go and look for an explanation of the syntax. However when I
looked at the wiki page on github that deals with this -

I had some difficulty mapping the description there into what I was
seeing in the example, which is shown here -

After some searching I found a discussion on lighthouse that seems to
bear on this issue -

This describes a syntax change that (if I understand correctly)
involves putting variable placeholders in angle brackets and matching
these to the column headings in the table. This seems to be consistent
with the merb-cucumber example.

However if I’m understanding this correctly, it looks like the change
has not yet been reflected in the github documentation. Can someone
confirm for me that this is the case, because it’s possible that I’m
just plain confused.

Also, does the approach currently shown in the documentation still
work? And is the idea there that table columns map sequentially onto
the strings that correspond to the regexp match groups in the step
definitions? Are the column headings then essentially redundant in
that case?


On 10 Jan 2009, at 23:44, MarkMT wrote:

merb_cucumber/lib/generators/cucumber/templates/features/authentication/login.feature at master · david/merb_cucumber · GitHub


Hi Mark,

I can’t check the github wiki right now, because GH is down, but I’m
sure I saw Scenario Outline documented on there today.

There are three ways of doing tabulated data in Cucumber, and as far
as I know they’re all still supported.

The basic way, shown on the homepage for cucumber, works in Given and
Then steps (but not When), and looks like

 Then there should be the following people:
   | name  | age |
   | Matt  | 33  |
   | Anna  | 31  |

The next way extends a single Scenario with a More Examples table.

The third, and newest way uses a Scenario Outline to define a
template, followed by an Examples table to define the value
substitutions to make the scenario actually run.


Matt W.

Thanks Matt. I have now found the page that deals with scenario
outlines (GH is back up) -

so that is now pretty clear. Might be worth a note in the fit table
page referring to that.

On 11 Jan 2009, at 01:22, MarkMT wrote:

Thanks Matt. I have now found the page that deals with scenario
outlines (GH is back up) -

so that is now pretty clear. Might be worth a note in the fit table
page referring to that.

The wiki is open to all… be our guest!

Seriously it’s terrific if first-timers can polish these pages, as
they’re often written by those of us who are quite immersed in the
product and consequently find it harder to put on the ‘newbie hat’ to
proof-read documentation.


Matt W.