Writing erb rhtml output to an external file


I am trying to write the output of an erb run to an external output
file. I have an object with some instance variables in it, and a string
of html and the instance variables (in the erb style with <% and <%=).

I require erb and create a local variable that’s a erb object, then call
run on that object, like this:

require “erb”

template = %q{
some html in here

}.gsub(/^ /, ‘’)

f = File.new(‘myfile.rhtml’, ‘w’)
rhtml = ERB.new(template)

I just can’t figure out how to direct the result into the f file object.
Any suggestions?

I read a lot of the documentation but did not see (or understand) a
reference to this.


Le 10 janvier 2009 à 15:01, Glenn a écrit :

f = File.new(‘myfile.rhtml’, ‘w’)
rhtml = ERB.new(template)

I just can’t figure out how to direct the result into the f
file object. Any suggestions?

You have a ‘result’ method :

File.open('myfile.rhtml, ‘w’) do |f|
f.puts ERB.new(template).result(o.get_binding)

Note too that the block form of File is usually preferred, if only
because the handles are automatically closed at the end of the block
without the need of a call to close.
