Tictactoe and choice

I was trying to code the classic tictactoe in ruby.
Now it only plays itself doing random moves until someone wins, and
are still some bugs.

But the thing that really I don’t understand is another,

With this line every time I pick the next move:

x, y = (0…(board.length)).to_a.choice, (0…

But I get always the same game!!:

step 0 we have:
[[nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, nil]]

step 1 we have:
[[nil, nil, “O”], [nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, “X”]]

step 2 we have:
[[nil, “O”, “O”], [“X”, nil, nil], [nil, nil, “X”]]
sorry 2, 2 already set
sorry 0, 2 already set

step 3 we have:
[[nil, “O”, “X”], [“X”, nil, nil], [“O”, “X”, “X”]]
player X has won
[[nil, “O”, “X”], [“X”, nil, “X”], [“O”, “X”, “X”]]

It looks like there’s nothing really random here, am I missing
something maybe??
The full source code


Thanks a lot for any hint

Hello andrea,


But I get always the same game!!:


You should add a call to srand before the call to random_play. It
will seed the random number generator so that you don’t get the
same sequence of random numbers every time you run your program.

Thanks a lot now it’s working pretty nicely


There are still a few things that I don’t like though.
For example here
def reset_board(len = 3)
board = []
free = []
(0…(len)).each { board << [nil] * len }

setting all the free cells

for i in (0…(len))
for j in (0…(len))
free << [i, j]
[board, free]

I generate the empty board and the free places, can I generate free
only one block?

Same thing in the check procedure, I’m first trying to call chkline
for every line,
creating the array of truth values and then calling truth.any?
It’s a little be boring, I would like to do

and [ check x | x ← gen_lines board]

(as I would do in Haskell more or less)

def check(board)
chk = lambda { |vals| vals.any? and vals.uniq.length == 1 }
truth = []
chk_line = lambda { |b| b.each { |line| truth << (chk.call line) }}
chk_line.call gen_lines board
chk_line.call gen_lines board.transpose

truth is automatically updated in the two calls


def gen_lines(board)
diag = []
to_check = []
(0…(board.length)).each { |i| diag << board[i][i]; to_check <<
board[i] }
to_check << diag

On 8 Gen, 10:09, Jesús Gabriel y Galán [email protected]



Not in a single loop but I’d do:

0.upto(len-1) {|i| 0.upto(len-1) {|j| free << [i,j]}}

[board, free]


Thanks a lot, with classes is much much better and cleaner

Now I have to implement the decision engine and that’s it, I could be

I wanted to try to use callcc for the decision tree (along with a
normal backtrack stack),
could it be a good idea?

On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 9:49 AM, andrea [email protected] wrote:

There are still a few things that I don’t like though.
For example here
def reset_board(len = 3)

board = []

(0…(len)).each { board << [nil] * len }

board = Array.new(len) {[nil]*len}

free = []

setting all the free cells

for i in (0…(len))

for j in (0…(len))

free << [i, j]



Not in a single loop but I’d do:

0.upto(len-1) {|i| 0.upto(len-1) {|j| free << [i,j]}}

[board, free]
