Bug with Ruby/Tk encoding (ruby-1.9.1-rc1)

Bonjour à tous,

I have a script starting like this :

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

encoding: iso8859-1

When I lauch it, the following error occurs:

…/ruby-1.9.1-rc1/lib/ruby/1.9.1/tk.rb:3028:in find': unknown encoding name - (ArgumentError) from /.../ruby-1.9.1-rc1/lib/ruby/1.9.1/tk.rb:3028:in<top (required)

from ./gotic:1565:in require' from ./gotic:1565:intest_tk’

The test_tk top method is the following:

def test_tk
require ‘tk’
root = TkRoot.new { title “Test de Tk sous Ruby” }
TkLabel.new(root) {
text ‘Essai de Ruby/Tk !’
pack { padx 15 ; pady 15; side ‘left’ }
TkButton.new(root) {
text ‘Quitter’
pack { padx 15 ; pady 15; side ‘bottom’ }
command ‘exit’
end #def test_tk

Also, is there any online doc on all the encoding feature from
For sample, can we specifiy anywhere in the toplevel pplication file
(and not in *all file
the encoding?

Thank you very much.
– Maurice

From: mdiam [email protected]
Subject: Bug with Ruby/Tk encoding (ruby-1.9.1-rc1)
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 18:15:01 +0900
[email protected]

I have a script starting like this :

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

encoding: iso8859-1

When I lauch it, the following error occurs:

I can’t regenerate the error.

…/ruby-1.9.1-rc1/lib/ruby/1.9.1/tk.rb:3028:in find': unknown encoding name - (ArgumentError) from /.../ruby-1.9.1-rc1/lib/ruby/1.9.1/tk.rb:3028:in <top (required)>’

Probably, the error occurs on Encoding.find(),
but tk.rb:3028 doesn’t include the method.
On my archive, tk.rb:3028 is a comment line.

Please check your ‘…/ruby-1.9.1-rc1/lib/ruby/1.9.1/tk.rb’ file.
tk.rb included ruby-1.9.1-rc1 has the following line (line:5553).

RELEASE_DATE = ‘2008-12-21’.freeze

Also, is there any online doc on all the encoding feature from

Not all, but about Ruby/Tk, its default rules are the followings.

  • Use Encoding.default_external for terminal outputs of Tcl/Tk
    It can be referd/changed with Tk.encoding_system/encoding_system=.

  • Use Encoding.default_internal for strings passed from Tcl/Tk libraries
    to Ruby. It can be referd/changed with Tk.encoding/encoding=. However,
    if the constant DEFAULT_TK_ENCODING is defined before ‘require “tk”’,
    Ruby/Tk use it instead of Encoding.default_internal.
    If DEFAULT_TK_ENCODING is not defined and Encoding.default_internal
    is nil, use Encoding.default_external.

It may be better that Ruby/Tk returns strings by caller’s script
But, if I’m right, libraries (e.g. tk.rb) can’t know caller’s script
encoding (at least, by low cost).
So, Ruby/Tk supports the global status (Tk.encoding) only.

Well, you can get current script encoding by ENCODING.
If you want to use it for Ruby/Tk, for example,

require ‘tk’

From: mdiam [email protected]
Subject: Re: Bug with Ruby/Tk encoding (ruby-1.9.1-rc1)
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 17:09:54 +0900
[email protected]

Your are right, I had inserted some comments for debugging
(without success).

I see.

/home/…/ruby-1.9.1-rc1/lib/ruby/1.9.1/tk.rb:3022:in `find’:
unknown encoding name - (ArgumentError)

The line is

loc_enc_obj = ::Encoding.find(::Encoding.locale_charmap)

It means that “Encoding.locale_charmap” returns an empty string.
Though I believed that this line gets current locale information,
it may be wrong.
I’ll ask M17N maintainers about Encoding.locale_charmap.
Please give me a few days.

From: Hidetoshi NAGAI [email protected]
Subject: Re: Bug with Ruby/Tk encoding (ruby-1.9.1-rc1)
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 17:32:56 +0900
Message-ID: [email protected]

It means that “Encoding.locale_charmap” returns an empty string.

It may be abnormal. However, Ruby/Tk will rescue it.
Please try the following patch.

Index: ext/tk/lib/tk.rb

— ext/tk/lib/tk.rb (revision 21405)
+++ ext/tk/lib/tk.rb (working copy)
@@ -3019,7 +3019,7 @@

else ### Ruby 1.9 !!!

  • loc_enc_obj = ::Encoding.find(::Encoding.locale_charmap)
  • loc_enc_obj = (::Encoding.find(::Encoding.locale_charmap) rescue
    ext_enc_obj = ::Encoding.default_external
    int_enc_obj = ::Encoding.default_internal || ext_enc_obj
    tksys_enc_name =
    @@ -5550,7 +5550,7 @@

module Tk

  • RELEASE_DATE = ‘2008-12-21’.freeze
  • RELEASE_DATE = ‘2009-01-09’.freeze

    autoload :AUTO_PATH, ‘tk/variable’
    autoload :TCL_PACKAGE_PATH, ‘tk/variable’

On 7 jan, 05:08, Hidetoshi NAGAI [email protected] wrote:

On my archive, tk.rb:3028 is a comment line.

Please check your ‘…/ruby-1.9.1-rc1/lib/ruby/1.9.1/tk.rb’ file.
tk.rb included ruby-1.9.1-rc1 has the following line (line:5553).

RELEASE_DATE = ‘2008-12-21’.freeze

Your are right, I had inserted some comments for debugging
(without success).
So I have the same version as yours (standard ruby-1.9.1-rc1)

The problem occurs while calling the require “tk”.
So the Tk.encoding cannot be used.

Here is a minimalist full sample

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

encoding: iso8859-1 # because of the puts “éléphant”

puts “Encoding.default_external=#{Encoding.default_external}”
puts “Encoding.default_internal=#{Encoding.default_internal}”
puts “Encoding.ENCODING=#{ENCODING}”


puts “Encoding.default_external=#{Encoding.default_external}”
puts “Encoding.default_internal=#{Encoding.default_internal}”
puts “Encoding.ENCODING=#{ENCODING}”

puts “Bonjour l’éléphant !”

Simple création d’un bouton avec “quitter” comme action

def tktest
require ‘tk’
root = TkRoot.new { title “Test de Tk sous Ruby” }
TkLabel.new(root) {
text ‘Essai de Ruby/Tk !’
pack { padx 15 ; pady 15; side ‘left’ }
TkButton.new(root) {
text ‘Quitter’
pack { padx 15 ; pady 15; side ‘bottom’ }
command ‘exit’

And here are the full result:

ruby -version
ruby 1.9.1 (2008-12-30 patchlevel-0 revision 21203) [powerpc-

Bonjour l’éléphant !
/home/…/ruby-1.9.1-rc1/lib/ruby/1.9.1/tk.rb:3022:in find': unknown encoding name - (ArgumentError) from /home/.../ruby-1.9.1-rc1/lib/ruby/1.9.1/tk.rb:3022: in <top (required)>’
from ./tktest.rb:19:in require' from ./tktest.rb:19:in tktest’
from ./tktest.rb:33:in `’

(the standard Tk window appears just before the error)

– Maurice Diamantini at ensta.fr

[email protected]

On Jan 9, 6:12 am, Hidetoshi NAGAI [email protected] wrote:

From: Hidetoshi NAGAI [email protected]
Subject: Re: Bug with Ruby/Tk encoding (ruby-1.9.1-rc1)
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 17:32:56 +0900
Message-ID: [email protected]

It means that “Encoding.locale_charmap” returns an empty string.

It may be abnormal. However, Ruby/Tk will rescue it.
Please try the following patch.

I’ve done the following (manually):

# loc_enc_obj = ::Encoding.find(::Encoding.locale_charmap)
loc_enc_obj = (::Encoding.find(::Encoding.locale_charmap) rescue


Now, the
require “tk”
works: the Tk main window appears and is start to resize (like the
expected button size).
So the encoding problem seems solved: *** thank you very much
Hidetoshi!! *** …

…but I don’t see any button and the Tk windows blocks.

Perhaps, it’s a problem with bad version of tk, or a bad compil
require “tk”
=> true
irb(main):007:0* Tk.info :lib
=> “/System/Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/Versions/8.4/Resources/

But I remember I tried to compile ruby with a personnal tcl/tk version
(8.5.5 with x11)
in a specific location, which don’t seems used at runtime.

So, is there a mean to tell Ruby (at runtime) to use a particular tcl/
tk version (something witch could be name “RUBY_TCLTK_LIB”)?

Or better question:
This problem arise because ruby doesn’t integrate tk in itself.
So is there a mean to tell ruby at compile time:
“I want to use that tcl/tk sources, and
compile it as a special tcltklib version
with all specific options you need for
it to work with ruby!”

I know this will make a “big” ruby distribution, but it will be much
(MUCH) easier
to install and to maintain !
I think that such a compil option would help people make a robust ruby/
comparable to (ideally) the tcl/tk version

– Maurice

From: mdiam [email protected]
Subject: Re: Bug with Ruby/Tk encoding (ruby-1.9.1-rc1)
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 01:10:09 +0900
[email protected]

So, is there a mean to tell Ruby (at runtime) to use a particular tcl/
tk version (something witch could be name “RUBY_TCLTK_LIB”)?

Please use Tk::TK_PATCHLEVEL

Or better question:
This problem arise because ruby doesn’t integrate tk in itself.
So is there a mean to tell ruby at compile time:
“I want to use that tcl/tk sources, and
compile it as a special tcltklib version
with all specific options you need for
it to work with ruby!”

Please read “/ext/tk/README.tcltklib” about configure options.