Maximum Limit for index

Is there a maximum size for the index files created with acts_as_ferret?

We have a web application that we pre-load a single table in a database
with records. Then do a search. This creates the index files for us.

The above works fine when we load in 146,000 records (index directory
size gets to 65MB), but when we load in 1,460,000 records, the initial
search to create the index files from scratch never ends (we let it run
for 2 weeks). Simple searches will return results, but not as many as
there should be. More complex results don’t return anything (seems to
time-out). The index directory size gets to 469MB when we expect it to
get to around 650MB.

We are thinking there might be a size limit. Is there?


Kevin Morgan wrote:

Is there a maximum size for the index files created with acts_as_ferret?

The above works fine when we load in 146,000 records (index directory
size gets to 65MB), but when we load in 1,460,000 records, the initial
search to create the index files from scratch never ends (we let it run
for 2 weeks). Simple searches will return results, but not as many as
there should be. More complex results don’t return anything (seems to
time-out). The index directory size gets to 469MB when we expect it to
get to around 650MB.

i’m intrested in this too… is there any limit with ferret?