Lazy evaluation and scoping

Take a look at the #should_require_login_for inside this pastie (it’s a
Shoulda macro):

#should_require_login_for takes an action name and a Proc. The method is
meant to be used like this in my functional tests:

:new => { get :new },
:create => { post :create },

What this is basically supposed to do is:

  1. Loop through each action.
  2. Create a Shoulda #context
  3. #setup a test by calling the Proc containing “get :new” or something.
  4. Assert a redirection to the login page inside the #should block.

So this should test if an action requires login or not. But my problem
is, that I’m getting this error:

NoMethodError: undefined method `get’ for PagesControllerTest:Class

Notice that the error is appearing in the PagesControllerTest and NOT
inside the Shoulda macro. Using a lambda instead of a Proc simply
“postpones” the error message to the Shoulda macro, but it’s still the
same message.

My question is: How do I get access to the #get, #post, #put, and
#delete methods in my Proc or lambda? Any help appreciated. :slight_smile:

David T. wrote:

My question is: How do I get access to the #get, #post, #put, and
#delete methods in my Proc or lambda? Any help appreciated. :slight_smile:

If you need further details, please go ahead and ask. :slight_smile:

David T…

On 2 Jan 2009, at 17:12, David T. wrote:

:new => { get :new },

My question is: How do I get access to the #get, #post, #put, and
#delete methods in my Proc or lambda? Any help appreciated. :slight_smile:

First off I know absolutely nothing about shoulda. That said blocks
are closures, so in particular they remember the value of self when
they were defined so if your test looks like

class SomeTestCase < Test::Unit::TestCase
some_macro :new => {…}

then for that block, self is and always will be SomeTestCase. The
easiest thing to do would be to have your setup method pass self to
the proc and have the proc call get/post/etc… on that.


Frederick C. wrote:

:new => { get :new },

My question is: How do I get access to the #get, #post, #put, and
#delete methods in my Proc or lambda? Any help appreciated. :slight_smile:

First off I know absolutely nothing about shoulda.

Shoulda is actually just a collection of test helpers: the #setup method
that runs before each test, the #should that defines a test, and the
#context that encapsulates a context, e.g.:

context “GET new” do
context “when logged in” do
setup do
get :new

should_respond_with :success

should "do something" do
  assert something


That said blocks
are closures, so in particular they remember the value of self when
they were defined so if your test looks like

class SomeTestCase < Test::Unit::TestCase
some_macro :new => {…}

then for that block, self is and always will be SomeTestCase. The
easiest thing to do would be to have your setup method pass self to
the proc and have the proc call get/post/etc… on that.

That might work. I tried a different approach, it’s not quite as elegant
but I use it this way:

should_require_login :post, :create
should_require_login :get, :edit, :id =>

Take a look at the method definition here: The
first argument is the HTTP method you want to use. Second argument is
what action to test. And the third is additional parameters you want to
pass to the action.

It works fine, but thanks anyway, Frederick. If anyone else could find
the #should_require_login method helpful, you are free to use it. :slight_smile: