Problem with downloading Ziya plugin

hello ,
i am trying to download Ziya plugin from

ruby script/plugin install

i have tried other url’s but not able to download.Is there any
alternative ? I do not want to download directly from i want
to download from command prompt.

Help !!!

Ryan B. wrote:

You’re going to have to download from github if nothing else works. No
reason not to. Just download it and extract it into vendor/plugins

Ryan B.
I was afraid for version conflict.

You’re going to have to download from github if nothing else works. No
reason not to. Just download it and extract it into vendor/plugins

Ryan B.

Dharmdip R. wrote:

Ryan B. wrote:

You’re going to have to download from github if nothing else works. No
reason not to. Just download it and extract it into vendor/plugins

Ryan B.
I was afraid for version conflict.

i am getting error like

Showing blee/index.rhtml where line #1 raised:

undefined method `gen_chart’ for #ActionView::Base:0x3576fb8

Extracted source (around line #1):

1: <%=gen_chart( “blee”, url_for( :controller => ‘blee’, :action =>
‘fred’ ), ‘#ffffff’, 400, 300 )%>

might this method is not avail in this plug in.
Help !