About add deflate support to http_gzip_filter_module

I have a suggestion on improving http_gzip_filter_module and want to
with you:

Currently most browsers support both the gzip and deflate compression
and the algorithms of gzip and deflate are almost the same,
except that the deflate compression removes an 18 bytes header.

In order to save bandwidth, I hope to add a ‘gzip_deflate’ option which
support deflate compression when enabled. Default value is Off.

Any ideas?

My readings of the applicable RFCs (2616, 1950, 1951, and 1952) indicate
that you can’t just “strip” the header off a proper RFC-compliant gzip
stream and call it “deflate”. The “gzip” compression is a RFC 1952 gzip
stream which may contain one or more members. The “deflate” compression
an RFC 1950 zlib + RFC 1951 deflate stream, which differs from a “raw”
1951 DEFLATE stream.

I realize that many popular web servers simply send a RFC 1951 stream,
in my opinion, if it’s added to nginx, it ought to be done right. :slight_smile:
not looked at the relevant code yet, but getting a zlib stream instead
of a
gzip stream should be easy enough, in the end.

Also, due to the fact that a zlib stream is “simpler” than a gzip
many implementations of zlib are actually faster (though potentially a
bit larger in terms of total data). So, instead of a separate
directive, I’d like to see it implemented as “always on” (in case a User
Agent only requests deflate for some reason). Then the gzip directive
be modified to have 3 options: Off; On (same as ‘prefer_gzip’); and
‘prefer_deflate’ (for those sites which prefer the efficiency over the
potential < 10% bandwidth savings). Potentially, there could also be a
‘never_deflate’ option to the gzip directive. Honestly, I can’t see a
reason for this, myself.

By changing the gzip directive, any upgrading sites would
get the new feature while allowing sites to fine-tune their outgoing
content. And all without yet-another-directive. And it could be
akin to gzip_proxied:


syntax: gzip off|prefer_gzip|prefer_deflate|on

default: gzip off

context: http, server, location, if (x) location

Enables or disables gzip compression.

  • off - disables compression for all requests
  • prefer_gzip - sends gzip content to user agents who can accept both
    gzip and deflate content
  • prefer_deflate - sends deflate content to user agents who can
    both gzip and deflate content
  • on - synonym for “prefer_gzip”. For backwards-compatibility with

But count this as a message in support of the feature (else I would not
bothered typing so much). I’d just like to see it implemented in a way
is as useful as possible, and without mimicing “other” web servers’



From: “Paul G.” [email protected]
Date: Monday, December 29, 2008 6:13 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: about add deflate support to http_gzip_filter_module

<matt@…> writes:

Enables or disables gzip compression.

  • off - disables compression for all requests
  • prefer_gzip - sends gzip content to user agents who can accept both
    gzip and deflate content
  • prefer_deflate - sends deflate content to user agents who can accept
    both gzip and deflate content
  • on - synonym for “prefer_gzip”. For backwards-compatibility with older

This is even better, and I hope this feature could be implemented in the