Video gallery in rails

Dear all,

Iam in process of creating video gallery like youtube, please suggesst
plugins i should install and best suits fro my application.

My requirements are

  1. Huge file uploading to upload videos
  2. creating thumbnails on videos uploaded
  3. Listing thumbnails of all videos in video gallery folder.
  4. Onclicking thumbnails video should be played

Please suggest a way to proceed in my task

Thanks in advance

Jose Martin

On 26 Dec 2008, at 10:51, dare ruby wrote:

Iam in process of creating video gallery like youtube, please suggesst
plugins i should install and best suits fro my application.

My requirements are

  1. Huge file uploading to upload videos


  1. creating thumbnails on videos uploaded

ffmpeg and a background job processor (starling, backgroundrb, …)

  1. Listing thumbnails of all videos in video gallery folder.


  1. Onclicking thumbnails video should be played


Best regards

Peter De Berdt

Thanks for your immediate response peter.

I will try using SWFupload, ffmpeg plugins and let you know as soon as


Best regards

Peter De Berdt