Thinking sphinx problem

a beginner quesition.

i can not start the sphinx service. i type rake thinking_sphinx:start
and it gives me the following

searchd --config …/config/development.sphinx.conf
Failed to start searchd daemon. Check …/log/searchd.log.

i forgot to mention that the log file is not being created and the
permission on the file is to all.

anyone with ideas on this?

On Dec 20, 12:50 pm, “tashfeen.ekram” [email protected]

Hi there
You need to install the ThinkingSphinx binary, not just the plugin.
Head to :
where you will find the links to download page. Follow the
instructions and you shouldn’t have the same issue.
I just got over this myself.
Hope this helps.

On Dec 20 2008, 5:48 pm, “tashfeen.ekram” [email protected]