Problem with Regular Expression

Why would the following regular expression produce the results below?


**code executed on input:
values = line.split(/("\d


What’s up with the two empty array indexes that are generated during the
split surrounding my dollar value?

The regular expression is pretty explicit and the input string doesn’t
contain anything that should cause them when run through the expression,
yet there they are so obviously I’m doing something wrong in my regexp.

On 19 Dec 2008, at 19:48, Corey M. <rails-mailing-list@andreas-> wrote:


Pretend you’re split. You see the comma after doe so you split. Then
you see the other part of your regex and so you split again, resulting
in the empty array


Frederick C. wrote:

Pretend you’re split. You see the comma after doe so you split. Then
you see the other part of your regex and so you split again, resulting
in the empty array


Ok, but the pipe character stands for alternation much like an OR so
once it sees doe and splits, the next part of the csv input it evaluates
should match to the monetary portion of the regex so it splits around
it. Maybe I’m just not getting somethings because I want it to split my
(comma delimited) input line based on comma or when a value is wrapped
with double quotes.

I can always handle the extra empty array positions by simple performing
a array.delete_if with a block that looks for empty strings but that
seems like overkill if I could handle it with the regex instead.

Sorry if I’m still not getting the point.

On Dec 19, 2008, at 2:58 PM, Frederick C. wrote:

split surrounding my dollar value?

The regular expression is pretty explicit and the input string
contain anything that should cause them when run through the
yet there they are so obviously I’m doing something wrong in my

I think you actually get:
=> [“john”, “doe”, “”, “"1,200.99"”, “”, “training”, “12345”]
as your output. (At least I do.)

However, it looks like your input is CSV so why not let a CSV library
do the heavy-lifting for you:

irb> require ‘rubygems’
=> true
irb> require ‘fastercsv’
=> true
irb> FasterCSV.parse_line(line)
=> [“john”, “doe”, “1,200.99”, “training”, “12345”]

Note: FasterCSV becomes the CSV in the standard library for Ruby 1.9,
but it’s a gem before that so look at the rdocs/ri for whatever you’re


Rob B.
[email protected]

Rob B. wrote:

However, it looks like your input is CSV so why not let a CSV library
do the heavy-lifting for you:

Primarily because this is a budget application I’m writing and the data
coming from Accounts Payable (.csv files) need to be read in and then
massaged some before moving it into the database. A lot of the
massaging relates to categorizing transactions and associating other
information with a record that isn’t a part of the original input file.
So, I’m manually parsing this data into an array for active record
column attribute assignment and the like.

Unless fasterCSV reads a file in for me and give me the data in an array
I can use in my model or controller for further processing, it doesn’t
fit my needs. So forgive my ignorance if it does do this and I’m simply
not aware. However, if it does, then woohoo and I’ll be pulling down
the gem pronto.

On Dec 19, 2008, at 3:26 PM, Corey M. wrote:

So, I’m manually parsing this data into an array for active record
column attribute assignment and the like.

Unless fasterCSV reads a file in for me and give me the data in an
I can use in my model or controller for further processing, it doesn’t
fit my needs. So forgive my ignorance if it does do this and I’m
not aware. However, if it does, then woohoo and I’ll be pulling down
the gem pronto.

Then start now!

gem install fastercsv

I was just using one of the lower-level methods to parse your input
line. I’ll let you read the docs[1] for yourself, but it will read
the file and give the data back to you as an array or a hash (you
choose). You can configure whether there are first-row headers, too.



Rob B.
[email protected]

On Dec 19, 3:08 pm, Corey M. [email protected]

it. Maybe I’m just not getting somethings
Maybe not. :slight_smile: Frederick is absolutely right. Here’s what I believe
happens when split is working on your input string.

The split routine starts parsing at the beginning of the string (I
will represent the cursor in these examples with a #.)
#john,doe,“1,200.99”,training,12345 => []
At the moment, no results have been yielded, so the resulting array
(after the =>) is still empty.

Split runs until it sees a delimiter.
john#,doe,“1,200.99”,training,12345 => [‘john’]

Split discards the delimiter.
john,#doe,“1,200.99”,training,12345 => [‘john’]

Repeat for the next element (‘doe’) and delimiter (‘,’).
john,doe,#“1,200.99”,training,12345 => [‘john’, ‘doe’]

Having just read a delimiter (‘,’), split is now prepared to read the
next value. But it doesn’t see a value – it sees another delimiter
(‘“1,200.99”’, which matches your regex and is therefore considered a
delimiter just like ‘,’). Split therefore writes an empty array
john,doe,#“1,200.99”,training,12345 => [‘john’, ‘doe’, ‘’]

Split skips over the delimiter – but since the regexp contains
capturing parentheses, split inserts the parenthesized portion of
the match (which happens to match the whole delimiter) into the result
john,doe,“1,200.99”#,training,12345 => [‘john’, ‘doe’, ‘’,

Split sees another delimiter (‘,’) with no intervening value, so it
writes another empty string. This time, the regexp that matches the
delimiter has no parentheses, so split does not put it into the result
john,doe,“1,200.99”,#training,12345 => [‘john’, ‘doe’, ‘’,
‘“1,200.99”’, ‘’]

Split reads the last two values, skipping the delimiter in between.
john,doe,“1,200.99”,training,12345# => [‘john’, ‘doe’, ‘’,
‘“1,200.99”’, ‘’, ‘training’, ‘12345’]

Does that make it clearer? Since you defined the “1,200.99” string as
a delimiter, the fact that it appears in the result set at all is
actually accidental, and due 100% to the parentheses that you put
around it in the regexp. Remember, the regexp in split defines the
pattern for the delimiter, not the values.

If you’re still confused about what the parentheses do, here’s a
minimal example:
‘aabbcc’.split(/b+/) => [‘aa’, ‘cc’]
‘aabbcc’.split(/(b+)/) => [‘aa’, ‘bb’, ‘cc’]

because I want it to split my
(comma delimited) input line based on comma or when a value is wrapped
with double quotes.

I hate to break it to you, but a single regexp alone cannot handle
this kind of parsing, because the meaning of a comma is state-
– that is, a comma either acts as a delimiter or not,
depending on whether an odd or even number of double quotes have been
encountered since the beginning of the string. And regexps are not
state-dependent, so that kind of logic is outside the capabilities of
a regexp. You’ll need to write some higher-level routines in Ruby –
or, as others have suggested, simply use an off-the-shelf CSV parser.
(I’d choose the latter approach if I were you – parsers are a pain to
get right!)


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]