Strange 500 Error with namespace::controller#action appearing in reload only

The portion of the log linked below is two requests directly out of
the log file for the same action. The first request was from me
putting the address in the browser directly (but can be duplicated by
linking to the url anywhere in the app). When I reload the browser on
this url, I get a strange error. To the user, the action appears to
load fine, but I’m getting a 500 error in the log when it tries to
find an asset (in this case favicon.ico but appends it with /
user_admin/, the namespace.

See backtrace:

I’m also finding that link_to’s generated with within the namespace
via the {:controller => “controller_name”, :action => “action_name”}
prepend ‘/user_admin/’, the namespace, as well.

I’d like to remove the errors, as well as still use the
{:controller, :action} method inside link_to if possible.

Thanks for any advice!

I’m also finding that link_to’s generated with within the namespace
via the {:controller => “controller_name”, :action => “action_name”}
prepend ‘/user_admin/’, the namespace, as well.

The errors are still baffling me, but the link problem was solved
merely by putting a ‘/’ before the controller name.

Putting a ‘/’ before the linked image asset also worked.