Find active record condition of not equal


I have tried creating a not equal condition in the find statment but
it just outputs an empty array.

model.find(:first, :conditions => [" id = ? AND market = ? AND
promotion <> ? " , id , name, “y”],:order => ‘id desc’).price

I have tried != instead of <>

I have tried googling for the answer but i can’t seem to find it. What
do i need to put to give a not equal condition?

Database is mysql.

Helping tyliong in #rubyonrails irc channel

Ryan B.

Still unsolved. However != seems to work for integers but not strings.

Thanks fred for your reply I managed to solve it, it was because some of
values in the column were nil so it affected the find statement.

On Dec 7, 9:28 am, “Tan YL” [email protected] wrote:

Still unsolved. However != seems to work for integers but not strings.

!= is what you want (except if you testing whether something is not
NULL, if you want your query to also return rows where promotion is
NULL then you will need to change your query). Is promotion a boolean
attribute? If so then you should put [“foo != ?”, true] and let
activerecord handle the mapping of true/false to whatever value is
stored in the database.
