Formatting print output

Hi All,

How do I format the output from print or puts
so that columns are aligned:

So this:
beagle-status 255
bibtex 154312
bioradtopgm 7844
bison 242032
blackjack 140792

becomes this:

beagle-status 255
bibtex 154312
bioradtopgm 7844
bison 242032
blackjack 140792

You probably know what I mean.
I could not find this in my Ruby book (Cooper)
and a lot of the Ruby Websites cannot be accessed.

Thank you, --JM

[email protected] wrote:

blackjack 140792

becomes this:

beagle-status 255
bibtex 154312
bioradtopgm 7844
bison 242032
blackjack 140792

You mean something like:

irb(main):001:0> puts “beagle-status”.ljust(20) + “255”.rjust(10)
beagle-status 255
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> puts “bibtex”.ljust(20) + “154312”.rjust(10)
bibtex 154312
=> nil

How do I format the output from print or puts
so that columns are aligned:

So this:
beagle-status 255
bibtex 154312
bioradtopgm 7844
bison 242032
blackjack 140792

Kind of:

a = [[“beagle-status”,255], [“bibtex”,154312], [“bioradtopgm”,7844],
[“bison”,242032], [“blackjack”,140792]]
a.each do |item|
puts “#{sprintf(’%-20s’,item[0])} #{item[1]}”


beagle-status 255
bibtex 154312
bioradtopgm 7844
bison 242032
blackjack 140792


On Dec 5, 2008, at 8:04 PM, “Eustáquio Rangel” <[email protected]
m> wrote:

Kind of:
bibtex 154312
bioradtopgm 7844
bison 242032
blackjack 140792


gem install ruport

require ‘ruport’
puts Table(:data => Hash[*a.compact])