How to sort results of group_by

@areas.group_by(&:responsibility).each do |responsibility, areas|

<%=h %>

<% areas.each do |area| %> ...

I see that #group_by iterates through my list of areas, splitting them
sets according to which ones have the same responsibility.

I would like to sort the results of that list.

It seems to me that group_by returns an OrderedHash. How to I sort
results prior to passing the |responsibility, areas| pairs?


The ordered hash is already sorted by responsibility, so you would
sort each area something like this: (tags removed)

@areas.group_by(&:responsibility).each do |responsibility, areas|
areas.sort_by{|area|}.each do |area|

A style suggestion: make yourself a method in class Area that returns
@areas_grouped_and_sorted. Less code in the view, and reusable.

The problem is that the responsibilities are not already sorted going
Each area belongs_to a responsibility. I have the list of all of the
I want to group them by responsibility, and I want to sort the result by
some field within the responsibility. Currently, I have something like:

@areas = Area.find(:all)

Is there some way to order that ahead of time by

Hmmm… perhaps I’m thinking of this backwards. (It wouldn’t be the
time.) Do I really want to do something like:

@responsibilities = Responsibility.find(:all)

Hmmmm… that looks like the right avenue to have taken in the first

now… if I could just figure out how to comment out blocks of ERB code,
this would be much easier to test and then back out of if it goes awry.


On Dec 5, 2008, at 7:40 PM, Patrick D. wrote:

now… if I could just figure out how to comment out blocks of ERB
code, this would be much easier to test and then back out of if it
goes awry.

<% if false -%>
commented out
<% end -%>

Works for me when I don’t have time to think up anything else…