Calling multiline steps from other steps

What is the syntax for calling multiline steps from other steps? I’d
like to do something like this:

Given /^I have filled in the form$/ do |details|
details.hashes.each |pair|
When “I fill in #{pair[‘field’]} with #{pair[‘value’]}”

Given /^(.*) has filled in the form$/ do |user, details|
Given “I am logged in and #{user}”
Given “I have filled in the form”, details
When “I log out”

My feature file would have something like this:

Given Joe has filled in the form:
| field | value |
| x | 1 |
| y | 2 |

I’d also like to do something like this:

Given /^Everything is filled in$/ do
Given “Joe has filled in the form:
| field | value |
| x | 1 |
| y | 2 |”

How can I do this? Also, how does it work for multi line strings (""")?


P.S. Those are contrived examples.

Pau C. wrote:

What is the syntax for calling multiline steps from other steps? I’d
like to do something like this:

Given /^I have filled in the form$/ do |details|
details.hashes.each |pair|
When “I fill in #{pair[‘field’]} with #{pair[‘value’]}”

Yes, you can do this.

| y     | 2     |

I’m not sure if it works with step tables, so you will just have to
experiment and see. Same thing for the multi-line strings… I’m not
sure but that seems more possible that the step table.

Ben M. wrote:

you will just have to
experiment and see.

Thanks for the reply!
So far all my experiments have failed :confused:

Anyone else have any ideas?


Given /^I have filled in the form$/ do |details|
details.hashes.each |pair|

Can’t see this working because you’ve got no place to collect details


Given /^I have filled in the form with (.*)$/ do |details|
details.hashes.each |pair|

would work, but you’d have to do some tricky stuff to get your hash out.

Given Joe has filled in the form:
| field | value |
| x | 1 |
| y | 2 |

For this to work the step that matches has to collect two thing so
you need

Given Joe has filled in foo with bar
| field | value |
| x | 1 |
| y | 2 |

and a matcher

Given /^Joe has filled in (.) with (.)$/ do |field, value|

From that you could try

Given /^Form filled in correctly$/
Given “Joe has filled in foo with bar”
| field | value |
| x | 1 |
| y | 2 |

but I doubt that would work as I think you need the “More Examples:”
statement. Also don’t think embedding tables in step definitions is a

You could use convention over configuration to do more filling in with
variables. For example I fill in user forms using just the login name to
generate the other fields

e.g. login - fred, password - fredpass, email [email protected] etc.

Now a step can take one parameter fred and fill in many details

e.g. using webrat

When /^I fill in signup details for (.*) $/ do |user|
fill_in(:login, :with => user)
fill_in(:email, :with => user + ‘’)
fill_in(:password, :with => user + ‘pass’)
fill_in(‘user[password_confirmation]’, :with => user + ‘pass’)

When I fill in signup details for fred



2008/12/5 Pau C. [email protected]

Ben M. wrote:

you will just have to
experiment and see.

Thanks for the reply!
So far all my experiments have failed :confused:

Anyone else have any ideas?

Not possible yet. Please file a ticket.

And please link to this thread in the ticket. Nabble or somesuch.

Andrew P. wrote:

would work, but you’d have to do some tricky stuff to get your hash out.

> > but I doubt that would work as I think you need the "More Examples:" > statement. Also don't think embedding tables in step definitions is a > good idea. >

Actually, you can embed tables in steps, they are called “Step Tables”.
:slight_smile: Read about them here:

I have used them many times and I find them very handy. I had rolled my
own with story runner and so having it built into cucumber makes things
very nice.


Ooh interesting stuff thanks for that Ben, never got past the scenario
tables until now :slight_smile:


2008/12/5 Ben M. [email protected]

Aslak Hellesøy wrote:

And please link to this thread in the ticket. Nabble or somesuch.

I am sorry for taking so long to post the ticket: